Advice required...


Politically Incorrect
Got two games tomorrow - Academy game on the line AM, Supply Reserve team PM in the middle, which I'll also be assessed on.

Heard nothing at all from the ref on the AM game. First time that has happened, pretty poor imo.

Anyway, came to the conclusion this morning I would need to travel separately to other assistant, as although he lives about 5 miles from me, I wouldn't have time to drop him off home (or vice versa) then get to the second game with much more than 10 mins to kick off, so a none starter. Especially with assessor present.

Had a voice mail from other assistant approx 20 mins ago who said 'I don't know about you but I haven't heard off the ref for tomorrow's game so we're best making arrangements between ourselves.' I've got no car tomorrow as my Mrs has it, are you ok to pick me up and drop me off or I can't get there?'

I tried to call him back but no answer so sent a text explaining the situation. No reply as yet.

Thoughts? (Apart from the obvious that this could have been avoided by contact from the ref)
A&H International
To be honest, if you know you're being assessed I would have advised not doing a game in the morning. However, do you know who the ref is for the academy game? I have had to phone referees as an assistant on occasions in the past; it's not the ideal way but someone has to be proactive. Good luck with the assessment.
With Russell

Take him and then leave it to them to sort out. Sure he's got a mate to get him worst comes to worst anyway
You could do this as long as he is aware you can only take him to the game. Please, do not not tell him you can't give him a lift back.

To be fair if the guys going to leave a voicemail and not pick up his phone, he can't just assume he's getting one at all, let alone both journeys. He doesn't know whether it's possible or not :p
This whole mess is 100% how it is not done. Poor show on the ref for that game.

He wasn't much better at the game to be honest. Level 4 who moaned it 'was the earliest he'd ever got to a game' because he got there 40 mins before kickoff.

Sorted in the end. Other assistant made his own way there and back.
He wasn't much better at the game to be honest. Level 4 who moaned it 'was the earliest he'd ever got to a game' because he got there 40 mins before kickoff.

Sorted in the end. Other assistant made his own way there and back.

Given that for some games you have to be there an hour and a half prior, I very much doubt that.