Slowly losing the will to live....


RefChat Addict
Lost this morning's game to the weather and just had a message that Monday's game has been called off due to the away side being unable to field a team.

I've now reffed a grand total of three games THIS YEAR! From weather, to vandalism, to not having enough players, I've lost a game for every reason in the book.

I just want to referee a game. Is that too much to ask!?!? :cry:
A&H International
In all seriousness I know what it's like and it does drive you potty!

Our county runs a 6-a-side league on a thursday night which I picked up. Floodlit 3G pitch, £35 and never gets called off because of weather or anything else so keeps my football fix in those times like you describe, although not ideal, it's better than nothing
Keep the faith Matthew, I've only done 3 middles all season but about 20 lines!

Higher match clashes, injury, holiday, clubs calling games off, moving Ko times all have contributed to my low middle count this season.

Sunday - "8 players on a Rugby tour" was the reason game was off - how you manage to play U15 club rugby AND football I've no idea!
Shouldn't have moaned....picked up a game at the last minute! Great to be back in the middle! :)

I've looked at things like you suggest @HertsFinest, but the only thing we seem to have locally is power leagues, which I'm not overly keen on!