Any room for manoeuvre


New Member
Level 5 Referee
Do you know if there is ever any room for manoeuvre on the magic average 73 mark when going from 5-4? I am nervously waiting for my last assessment coming through and one mark would see me with a 72.8 and one mark higher would see me with a 73 average.
A&H International
As far as I am aware, 73 is the cut-off and it is strictly enforced. With the high number of competition for a small number of places this year, I presume it'll be strictly enforced. Potentially it could become a problem if they allow you through with 72.8, why shouldn't they allow someone with 72.7 or 72.6? All you can do is hope for the higher mark, and if you don't manage to achieve it, have another go this marking season.
@Golden - I also think the 73 is strictly monitored, since it is a national FA requirement.
If they think you're good enough and you haven't upset anyone I'm sure the chosen assessor will get you to that 73.
I thought the average mark had to be above 73, not bang-on, as 73 is regarded as being 'standard expected'?
Unfortunately I got the lower mark so averaged 72.8 over the marking season.
Now for next question. County won't allow me to be assessed now until start of next season saying I need to do fitness test in the summer first - this is annoying as I have games lined up already which would be good to be assessed on. Is this correct??
Unlucky mate, that's a tough break :(

And unfortunately, yes, that's my understanding too. They don't want to 'waste' assessments on folk who then fail the fitness test so they prioritise 7 to 6 to 5 candidates in the latter part of the playing season.
Unfortunately I got the lower mark so averaged 72.8 over the marking season.
Now for next question. County won't allow me to be assessed now until start of next season saying I need to do fitness test in the summer first - this is annoying as I have games lined up already which would be good to be assessed on. Is this correct??
Unlucky mate, that's a tough break :(

And unfortunately, yes, that's my understanding too. They don't want to 'waste' assessments on folk who then fail the fitness test so they prioritise 7 to 6 to 5 candidates in the latter part of the playing season.