Lets see your cards

A&H International
@Ben Knipe
I have the skins on my cards and I record the match details on these http://www.refsworlduk.co.uk/collections/cards/products/reusable-match-cards

Mine look a mess sometimes, if there's been a few cautions in the game in the junior/Sunday/Youth games in Cornwall, we don't get team sheets so we can't just use a number and confirm the name, so I have to write over certain parts of the card when taking down a players name. Because of that reason, once I've used the refsworld match cards, I'll be reverting back to the old paper ones.

I also use my Smartwatch to record goals, substitutions, yellow/red cards etc
They aren't brilliant. I would say you can get 3&4 uses per side of card (8 per card). I use a fine tip black marker to write on them and then an industrial cleaner to remove it. I tried a power tank pen but it left indentations and sometimes didn't work.
If these "reusable" match cards were so great, why do you have to buy a pack of 10?
They'll last a season or 2 in a pack of 10. That and I've known others order a pack and share them out
They aren't brilliant. I would say you can get 3&4 uses per side of card (8 per card). I use a fine tip black marker to write on them and then an industrial cleaner to remove it. I tried a power tank pen but it left indentations and sometimes didn't work.
You get 80 matches from a pack of 10 for £6.50 (your figures above). I guess when you compare them to a pad of 100 from eBay, made of tissue paper for £1.99 (+ £3.50 P&P) which disintegrate in the rain, they aren't that brilliant or value for money.
Personally, I've nearly completed two seasons of Saturday football from my original pack of 10, using a power tank, removed with nail varnish remover, out in all weathers and I've thrown 1 card away through use. Add the wallet to the mix and I think they are brilliant.

The above post contains sarcasm which, they say is the lowest form of wit but that's how I roll sometimes.
I'm very fussy, I like the cards to be cleaned with no indication of text on them. That's just me, I appreciate people are different. With the ten I have (20 cards) you would easily get 2-3 seasons out of them.

When I say they aren't brilliant - they aren't brilliant for me, in the sense that I will use them less times than I could do.
The debate on skins and write on's..... For me it is solid plastic cards. Attached to each is a post it note of red/yellow with a line down the middle titled H/A. Easy and cost effective.
They aren't brilliant. I would say you can get 3&4 uses per side of card (8 per card). I use a fine tip black marker to write on them and then an industrial cleaner to remove it. I tried a power tank pen but it left indentations and sometimes didn't work.

"Industrial cleaner" - blimey - good old paper and pencil for me!:p
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