I present to you: Garth Crooks

A&H International
Wow !!!!!!!! seen it all now . Think before you speak Garth

Point on the game though Costa should have walked after the first Yellow for shoving Koshelny in the chest , then typically something else happens 30 secs later that makes the ref look inconstant .

Very unfortunate for Mike Dean but I'm afraid he got that one wrong trying to calm a situation when he should have acted .
"Treat them all like men", the vast majority of professional players are immature idiots. :confused:

If a manager ranted like that, he would be getting a call the following morning, swiftly followed by a disrepute charge and a heavy fine.

Not one of Mike Dean's better games, but still nowhere near as bad as the media would like everyone to believe!

As a Chelsea fan, I can safely say Diego Costa is an idiot who could start an argument in an empty room. Depending on how much or how little Mike Dean and his assistants saw, could well be getting a retrospective ban.

Soft sending off for Gabriel, but done himself no favours, firstly by getting involved in argument that didn't involve him in the first place and then the petulant kick out was beyond stupid. Cazorla can have no complaints, both "challenges" were nailed on cardable offences.

Could someone point me to the part in the laws of the game that says rugby tackles and wrestling holds are now acceptable, especially when "seeing the ball out", the challenge on Hazard by Gabriel was laughable.
I heard Crooks yesterday and he came out with the old "the spectators pay good money to see 11 v 11"...
So the LOTG goes out the window then.
Wouldn't be so bad if some on here didn't think the same.
Crooks is an idiot!

Buying a match ticket doesn't come with any guarantees as to what you may or may not see during that 90 minutes.

If I am a neutral spectator, I love nothing more than seeing tackles flying in and cards being handed out like it's the most popular person's birthday! :)
"Treat them all like men", the vast majority of professional players are immature idiots. :confused:


Most professional footballers have conduct that would embarrass a 5 year old. Constant petulent temper tantrums and whinging every time they don't get their way, no personal responsibility, etc.

why should referees treat them like men why they don't act like men?
I heard Crooks yesterday and he came out with the old "the spectators pay good money to see 11 v 11"...
So the LOTG goes out the window then.
Wouldn't be so bad if some on here didn't think the same.

To be fair, even Mark Clattenburg has said the same thing to justify...well, throwing the LOTG out the window........an interview where he said blatant DOGSO occurred, but it was early in the game, and he said the same thing about spectators paying....
Garth who?

The 'pundit' who is consigned to a graveyard slot on TV, a poor-mans Soccer Saturday and is rarely seen elsewhere, except for an insipid 11 of the week column?

Wonder if the readership will spike this week.
Isn't he a country and western singer - is he commenting on soccer [sic] now as well?