Junior/Youth What to do?

Tom Knight

"You don't know they rules ref!"..They are laws!"
Level 8 Referee
Two Teams Red V Blue (Using numbers to help with who hit who)
Red 1 tackles Blue 1 which results in Blue 1 stumbling into Red 2 which knocks him over, Red 2 then shouts for a free kick (not given) so he goes in for a heavy tackle studs up and ends up 'studding' Blue 3 in the foot, gave a freekick for Blue.
Would you have done differently
A&H International
Free kick for red 2 for a careless action, intent isn't in the laws :p
Heavy studs up tackle to the foot sounds like a yellow card at minimum but hard to judge force when you aren't there.
Sounds like you just need to communicate with the player that he hasn't been fouled then try to prevent him from making a rash challenge by communicating again before making his reckless challenge. It might not prevent it but shows your aware to all the players and clubs. Then you have no option but to at least caution Red 2.
What's making you post the question?
I'm assuming the initial incident wasn't a foul?
Proximity can help sell decisions like that, and it probably gives you the chance to say a bit more. From a distance all you can do is shout 'No! Nothing in that, keep playing!', a bit close and you can go say a bit more to just Red 2 'He couldn't help it, your bloke knocked him over!' or some such. Although some referees would argue against that - start a conversation like that and you're inviting argument. Invite argument, and it erodes your authority.
You're hoping to either gain the Red 2's trust, or build a very quick rapport. Failing that, if you can see he has murder in his eyes, 'nothing silly!'...and he'll duly ignore it :p

If he thinks he was fouled and is going to react, there's a fair chance nothing you did could have stopped it. But on some occasions it may enough. If it isn't, you've made your initial opinion clear and loud, and hopefully that will make it easier to sell any card you may have to give to Red 2.

Anyway, Red 2 has gone in for a heavy tackle and caught his opponent with his studs with some force. That has to be a yellow card at minimum. Given it's going to be clear there was some retaliation, you want to make it clear you won't tolerate it at all.
The fact that he's clearly retaliating makes it more sinister though, and depending on the force used in the tackle, a red card would certainly be possible.

Free kick for red 2 for a careless action, intent isn't in the laws :p
Heavy studs up tackle to the foot sounds like a yellow card at minimum but hard to judge force when you aren't there.
Be careful with your terminology. A careless tackle is a FK only. If it's a yellow card, it's reckless.
Poor grammar rather than terminology. I meant give a free kick to red 2 for blue 1's careless action.
I knew which way the free kick went, but you said 'careless action' then 'sounds like a yellow card'. Those 2 sentences are contradictory. Careless = FK only. Reckless = FK + YC.
Whistle early and clearly. Blue free kick. Red player protests? "He was fouled first, that's why he collided with you."

In the situation you posted, caution for the "revenge" foul.