What do you report?

Ryan Owens

Token Colonial
Level 3 Referee
No worries, it didn't happen to me but the thought occurred to me. The offense in the LotG is "spitting at an opponent" so if I'm spat on, as the referee, is the player guilty of spitting at an opponent or of violent conduct? No question he's sent off, but what for?
A&H International
Personal VC. The reasons being:
1. Its an assault
2. If two players have "hand bags are dawn" that's what you send them off for no matter if it's punches, kicking pushing etc
3. You are not an opponent you are an official. Hence if you send him off for this he could get off on a technicality, and we don't want that do we!!
4. If he does this to a ref he deserves everything he gets - I.e. the biggest ban, the biggest fine etc etc

Hope this makes sense

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Report as spitting NOT VC. The standard misconduct form say "Spits at an opponent or other person"
Report as spitting NOT VC. The standard misconduct form say "Spits at an opponent or other person"
My thoughts exactly. Having been spat at in the past as well as punched, the spitting is by far worse! Absolutely disgusting! Iirc I reported the player for spitting and not VC
LotG page 37: "spitting at an opponent or any other person"

Report as spitting, regardless if it's an opponent, teammate, manager, referee, spectator or anyone else.
Ok my bad clearly didn't know that part - sorry

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