9V9 Caution?


I'll take a tough game over an easy game any day!!
Level 4 Referee
2nd Game of Saturday. U12 Game 9v9. In the 2nd half, Blue Attacker runs at Red defender, red defender runs at blue attacker screaming raghhhhh. I award IDFK and explain to the kid that he cant go running round screaming raghhh at people. Public bolocking follows and cue the red manager question the decision, i explain it as above. 2 minutes later, same kid does it again and then looks at me and laughs, i award IDFK and caution the same red defender(has had an atitude all game) now this is the first time ive cautioned someone in 9v9 and when i went to send it in tonight, no form. Only for 11v11. Someone help p,ease!! How do i report this to county fa?
A&H International
9v9 are reported on the same multi caution form as 11v11 I believe. I prefer whole game system as much nicer to use.
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9v9 are reported on the same multi caution form as 11v11 I believe. I prefer whole game system as much nicer to use.

Spot on thanks, never thought of using the whole game system to be honest!!
It will soon be compulsory KB. Already is in some counties - including Hampshire.
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It will soon be compulsory KB. Already is in some counties - including Hampshire.

Yeah I heard a rumour, wasn't sure if you could use WGS for 9V9, report sent in. Thanks guys
U12s can't be guilty of misconduct. No ref should ever ever caution them.

I disagree. After already warning them you can't have players running round a pitch creaming Raghhh at each other. I know what your saying and I am lenient with youth games but after already being told, to do it again on purpose he had to be cautioned in my opinion.
I disagree. After already warning them you can't have players running round a pitch creaming Raghhh at each other. I know what your saying and I am lenient with youth games but after already being told, to do it again on purpose he had to be cautioned in my opinion.

I was being completely sarcastic. I thought you all knew me by now :D
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I hate you ;) this is one of those moments where I didn't know if you where being serious or not lol
If you stop play in this instance you've to issue a caution, without a caution there is no IDFK restart!
The offence is verbally distracting an opponent which should be reported as C1 - UB. In the second instance it readss like you cautioned him for dissent or persistent infringement.
If you stop play in this instance you've to issue a caution, without a caution there is no IDFK restart!
The offence is verbally distracting an opponent which should be reported as C1 - UB. In the second instance it readss like you cautioned him for dissent or persistent infringement.

I took into account his age, the leek of football etc and tried to educate him in law the first time but also enforce the laws of the game and punish the offence with the IDFK and be lenient with all factors in consideration, and a strong word. The second time he did it he looked at me before I had a chance to stop play, just one of those kids with an attitude, caution followed
Ive booked quite a few and sent off one in 9v9s this season just use a normal caution form in LCFA, goes down to u7s
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