Throw in's, feet touching line or behind the line??


New Member
Level 7 Referee
U14's today, I'm coaching not refereeing, CAR gives foul throw for feet, I asked him politely why when there was a gap in play, we had a good chat about, I though feet touching was permissible, he thought feet had to be behind line, I told him he was CAR so go with his interpretation for the whole of the game. We both said we'd look at LOTG, which I have an I think I'm right am I?
A&H International
LOTG - page 48 of e-version said:
has part of each foot either on the touch line or on the ground outside the touch line
The wording of that has always struck me as being slightly odd. It reads to me "you can have your foot on the pitch, as long as a part of both feet is on or behind the line, then fine"
lol we know that - but nobody else does! It could just do with the wording being tidied up and made nice and clear
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so feet can touch the line provided they do not enter the fop, or the heel can be on touching the line with the rest of foot on the field of play? :)
lol we know that - but nobody else does! It could just do with the wording being tidied up and made nice and clear
Yes I agree.

I once had a club AR a little put out that I wouldn't let him call 'foul throws'

I placed my feet across line and asked "Is that OK?" , "Oh no, of course not" he replied.

"That's why I don't let club assistants call throws" I said!

Took it very well and no problems during game that I can remember.
the ref reversed the throw, which is right if if thinks its a foul throw.

I was just curious to see whether he questioned the CARs decision....personally, I won't accept a flag from a CAR for anything other than ball out of play or offside.
nope....in my CFA we have always used CARs for offsides........
I know this. Just highlighting the lack of consistency in training in this area. On the paper for the practical assessment of referees on their Basic Courses, it makes reference to CARs only being allowed to give in/out. Many counties continue with local practice and custom.
Ultimately it's down to the referee to delegate which of the duties stated in law 6 he delegates to his assistants, in theory The FA and CFAs should at most make suggestions.