Many games, if any over the festive period?


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Level 6 Referee
FA Referee
Did any of you get a chance to run off the excess turkey and christmas pudding over the festive period? I thought id try and catch a few games whilst down in Cornwall, but unfortunately the weather put pay to that :(

Anyone actually manage to get a run out?
A&H International
Thought that may be the case Arran, i work up in West Yorkshire so know all about the weather. Cant beat being stuck up a telecoms tower whilst the wind/rain/snow is battering you :(
geez unlucky, the best part is the flat land and straight pitches NOT!
the amount of times ive had to stop play as a balls gone 4miles down the hill or is on its way down a stream is silly.
Ha ha ha ha!!! Aint that the truth. I do often wonder how some games go ahead on some of the pitches i drive past. Especially those in and around Halifax
thats my area, its great fun tbh in the summer, quick water break but winter is a bit crazy as youre stood there and then you become numb and then youre decisions become harder to make
Cant say I've missed freezing my nuts off on a sunday morning, but i have missed the game :(
Nope not one game since i abandoned one on the 3rd December, got one this Saturday however I will be V surprised if it goes ahead.

On the bright got an appointment on the line (my 1st line appointment) for a WFA v Cumberland FA U18's game later this month which Im pleased with!
On the bright got an appointment on the line (my 1st line appointment) for a WFA v Cumberland FA U18's game later this month which Im pleased with!
good luck with that mate, what level are you?
What was the cause of the abandonment? Weather? Not a bad appointment for you on the line either. Good luck with it!
What was the cause of the abandonment? Weather? Not a bad appointment for you on the line either. Good luck with it!

didnt stop raining! puddles everywhere, hindsight suggest I should never have started it but live and learn!
didnt stop raining! puddles everywhere, hindsight suggest I should never have started it but live and learn!
We've all been there. Everyone wants a game of football, I always try my best to get a game, not always possible though.
2 games for me - Cup final on Boxing Day and a league line on New Years Eve. Also had County Cup line last night (if that counts as festive!!)
Cup final on boxing day? What competition was that?
it now 5 weeks since i last had a game, was due a middle for under 14's county cup quarter final so not happy.
Did any of you get a chance to run off the excess turkey and christmas pudding over the festive period? I thought id try and catch a few games whilst down in Cornwall, but unfortunately the weather put pay to that :(

Anyone actually manage to get a run out?

Not at all. Infact this coming Saturday 14th January is my first game since 4th December. Bet it Rains!