Mental perpetration


Level 7 Referee
Just wondering how everyone else mentally prepares before a game, when you arrive at the ground, personally as soon as I get in the changing room, I put music on, generally songs from my terrible music taste that gets me pumped up, like:

Right here, right now
Don't hold back
A&H International
Drive to ground, meet Secretary, check field, get changed, warm-up, check teamsheets, kick off ... for normal games, no mental prep required.

For higher profile games, e.g. relegation/title deciders, finals, etc. something like yours. I had a pre-match playlist and a post-match playlist. I would also consider scenarios in my head and prepare how I would deal with them should they occur.

Rarely needed to mentally prepare though as I was constantly thinking about refereeing (even at work). Seems to have subsided a little since I hung up the whistle at the end of last season.

I like that you have goals in your signature. I notice they are all outcomes. What are you going to do to achieve them?
I like that you have goals in your signature. I notice they are all outcomes. What are you going to do to achieve them?

1. now I have left school I have been going up the gym most days, my fitness has massively improved and I have lost a fair amount of weight.
2.Make sure I warm up properly and take recovery seriously........pool session, foam roller
3.Take it nice and slowly, starting off with Anglian comb prem lines and u19 division middles
4.Send an email to my RDO :p
5. enjoy my games and have solid performances
Saying OM a lot as well SM??? ;)
The big games get me plenty "pumped up" to begin with so I don't need any additional help doing that. Typically, it's about calming the nerves in those games anyway -- it is good to have adrenaline, but too much and you begin to get frazzled and make silly decisions too quickly. If I feel the need, I'll simply sit in silence for five minutes, with my eyes closed and practicing controlled breathing. Before every match (big or small) I say a small prayer and same afterwards.
On way to a game listen to me music then turn up introduce myself do all my checks warm up then stud jewellery call captains in game underway