A hello from Estonia


New Member
Level 7 Referee

My name is Marko and I'm a new referee from Estonia (90% of you have never heard of the country, right :D) who recently got licensed.

I can't wait to officiate my first official games when the leagues here resume from the summer break-thing. Meanwhile, I'll be sure to regularly check the forum for some great insights and information!

A&H International
Welcome Marko. Always nice seeing members from other countries

Enjoy the site
Welcome mate.

I think you are incorrect there, we will all have heard of Estonia. 90% of us will not be able to tell you exactly where it is mind... :D
Hey Marko,

I recently cruised the Baltics - first stop was Tallinn - beautiful city and very nice people :)

This forum is great for sharing and learning ... good luck on the pitch!

Hi, Marko

What can you tell me about Sergei Zenjov?

The word on the streets is that my team, Blackpool, are about to sign him
Hi, Marko

What can you tell me about Sergei Zenjov?

The word on the streets is that my team, Blackpool, are about to sign him
Hmm, I just read about that, too. Personally, I'm not a big fan of the man, but he's scored against Italy and Belgium with our national team, so that's nice. Quite quick on the ball imo, but can squander some good opportunities. Then again, I've only seen him play for the national team -- no idea what he's been doing in his club in Ukraine.

Oh, and thanks to everyone for the nice words :)