The Ref Stop

Struggling with which hand after HT


New Member
Level 7 Referee
I'm now just over 10 games into refereeing- so still fairly new to it.

In the first half I am fine when signalling for throw-ins and free kicks, but my brain always seems to be fried when the teams swap after HT. I've found myself caught like a deer in the headlights, where players are looking at me. While I know which team a throw is for, I simply panic as to which arm to use and either get it wrong or take ages (which makes it seem like I don't know what I'm doing).

Does anyone have any advice on how to avoid this- and get used to the fact that things are the other way around?

Many thanks
The Ref Stop
I'm now just over 10 games into refereeing- so still fairly new to it.

In the first half I am fine when signalling for throw-ins and free kicks, but my brain always seems to be fried when the teams swap after HT. I've found myself caught like a deer in the headlights, where players are looking at me. While I know which team a throw is for, I simply panic as to which arm to use and either get it wrong or take ages (which makes it seem like I don't know what I'm doing).

Does anyone have any advice on how to avoid this- and get used to the fact that things are the other way around?

Many thanks

I tend to shout the colour of the team it is if I suddenly can’t remember which way.. makes it clear and obvious and the players aren’t concerned about a lack of signal as long as they know which way. The other thing you can do is delay slightly and go with your lino. I’m not suggesting you rely on these two things but they may help initially at the start of the first/ second half.
I struggle with this while on the line sometimes. Quite often can be heard talking to myself to remind me of who is shooting which way
I'm the same. First 5 mins of the second half I have to work hard at remembering.

Something I read on here seems to help me is after ko just get yourself set up and mentally label your hands. To do this just face the side of the pitch hold your left hand slightly away from your side and go "blue, blue, blue" right hand "red, red, red". Obviously insert the correct colours! This method works well on the line of you are AR.

I also use the "came off a blue, so red throw please", if I'm still struggling.
The times it's happened to me, it's been on clear-cut decisions, so a couple of the players will look at me bewildered, and then I'll swap hands and giggle and say who's throw in, etc.
Not uncommon for the first few decision after half time I'll indicate by shouting only, or shouting first and then following with an arm signal after - then once they've taken a few throws, it will usually reset in my head.