FL kicking the ball away

Kent Ref

RefChat Addict
i was at a FL game today and the away kicked the ball away 30 to 50 yards away 3 times after a free kick was awarded against them.

Referees reaction?

Nothing at all.

I have noticed this a lot this season and nothing from the referees.

Have FL refs been told to ignore it?
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A&H International
Interesting interview with Howard Webb before the Chelsea Vs Fulham game on Friday night. He was asked the question about timewasting and added on time. His response was referees are receiving extra training to recognise the signs and how to deal with it, especially kicking the ball away. Bit odd for me really as timewasting tactics have been blatantly obvious for years, even to non-referees.
Interesting interview with Howard Webb before the Chelsea Vs Fulham game on Friday night. He was asked the question about timewasting and added on time. His response was referees are receiving extra training to recognise the signs and how to deal with it, especially kicking the ball away. Bit odd for me really as timewasting tactics have been blatantly obvious for years, even to non-referees.

Maybe that’s about an overall change of approach? If you’ve been conditioned to ignore it because it’s about “the product” it will take time to straighten out.
City could have played all night and still not scored, but 5 minutes added on time seemed a tad light given the number of stoppages, subs and times Tottenham kicked the ball away or prevented City from getting the dead ball during the 2nd half.
Thought 7 was about right. 5 very disappointing given the ball was in play for about 30 seconds from 86 to 91
I thought Neco Williams was booked for kicking the ball away today.
Edited for misapprehension! We were talking about the Spurs- City game and I saw "Neco Williams" and thought "Rico Lewis"!

Anyway, Grealish is back to being the most fouled player in the league. And that was just today.
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Surely not. A City player booked for wasting time when a goal down? But no Spurs player?

Anyway, Grealish is back to being the most fouled player in the league. And that was just today.
Not for "wasting time". . . for "delaying a restart", which can of course be tactical, e. g. allowing the defence to regroup before a free kick is taken.
(I know you already know that, as a City fan, but useful for our newer colleagues to bear in mind)
Maybe it is bias, but it seems to be getting worse: oppositions wasting time from the outset (goal kicks taking half a minute, GKs extending six seconds to nearly twenty six including the standard diving on the ground when they've caught the ball), feigned injury to break up momentum, moving the ball to delay a FK, not retreating 10 yards...

And despite the world cup precedents, added time is just a joke now in the EPL.
Maybe it is bias, but it seems to be getting worse: oppositions wasting time from the outset (goal kicks taking half a minute, GKs extending six seconds to nearly twenty six including the standard diving on the ground when they've caught the ball), feigned injury to break up momentum, moving the ball to delay a FK, not retreating 10 yards...

And despite the world cup precedents, added time is just a joke now in the EPL.
Only "oppositions". . . (?) . . .
football as a sport does absolutely nothing about absolutely shameless, open and intentional time wasting - every single team is guilty of it and all it ever serves to do is make it more likely for the underdog / team winning at the time to win. as a fan of a team who relies on having the ball in play as much as possible it's infuriating, infuriating to see the refs fail to recognise it and deal with it adequately and then fail to add on the required added time.

Hojburg going down in the manner he did after the late de bruyne free kick was nothing more than cheating enabled by the expectation/understanding the ref would have to stop play for a 'head injury'. nothing the ref can do about it but it's absolutely blatent and obvious and something the powers that be seem to have no appetite to try and rid from our game.

one thing I would immediately like to see (and I harp back to field hockey a lot cos I think they have a lot of this absolutely spot on) but if you have a free kick.thrown in etc given against you and you touch the ball after that award, you get a 2 min sin bin (the punishment could be different in football) but it immediately stops players getting involved, and if they do, they know what's going to happen to them. currently they kick the ball away at will cos they know unless it's the last 5 mins, the chance of a card is practically zero.
All managers and teams do it, and Pep is just as adept at deploying the dark arts as any other manager. It just doesn't happen as often as they aren't frequently clinging onto a one goal lead and rather have usually blown the team away by the end, except perhaps until more recently. Exactly the same could be said for Liverpool and Klopp.

I know that a stadium clock has been suggested as a potential fix, but I heard an interesting discussion on the radio about rugby union recently. For an 80 minute game the ball is only in play for less than 30 minutes on average, that is a vastly lower percentage for ball in play than we have in football. Different game I know, but perhaps that isn't the fix all change that people thought it might be.