FRA vs POL Matchday 14 - Valenzuela (VEN)

I am in two minds in this one. On the one hand three players injured on the ground. One is a keeper. You got to stop the game. On the other hand it would have been a goal without any injuries anyway.
The law says nothing about having to stop play just because more than one player is down, or because one of them is the keeper. Only about stopping for a serious injury.
A&H International
The law says nothing about having to stop play just because more than one player is down, or because one of them is the keeper. Only about stopping for a serious injury.
True. I was talking more in practical terms. It's very difficult to guess how serious an injury is after an incident like this. And you don't take risks when one of them is the keeper. He landed on another player. You don't stop play, the other team scores in an unguarded goal and the injury turns out to be serious and you are in trouble.

In this case if the ref had not stopped play I can guarantee the keeper would have stayed down for another 5 minutes and sold a very serious injury to all of us.
Dreadful penalty, but easier to spot the players who didn't encroach in the penalty area than did...
Nailed on penalty, blatant encroachment by defender and Lloris. Easy retake.
Didn’t Encroachment only occur because of the stop on the run up.. how does a player of his quality take a penalty like that. So we think it was definitely a penalty. Hand look quite natural for the jump, back was turned. Quite close.
What a joke the handball in the penalty area has become. Nothing else can be said 9n defence of the current laws and interpretation. Not only because of the vastly different results from similar incidents but the corrosive effect on the grassroots, making everyday referees' jobs nigh impossible.
Definite handball for me, arm remained out and away from the body even as the defender turned his body.
You can't feint to kick the ball once the kicker has completed his run. That is all Law 14 says!
Er.., hate to break it to you… you are not allowed to stop at the end… here come more posts on that, ready…?
Oh. Yes. You. Are ☺️
You can't feint to kick the ball once the kicker has completed his run. That is all Law 14 says!

Nuf Siad 🤣

Oh, missed one

As it is panto season I'll do it ...

... Oh yes you are 😂

You can't complete the run up then stop, but he hadn't completed it.
You can't feint to kick the ball once the kicker has completed his run. That is all Law 14 says!
It says more than that ...
It specifically says "Feinting in the run up is permitted"
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