Double jump


Southend United Supporter
Level 6 Referee
As a level 7 referee, I've heard that it's possible in one season to go straight to level 5. I know you have to do more games and more assessments etc. but has anyone done it and what exactly doe it entail?
A&H International
Some counties allow you to. This is the information that I have received from my county about it, although I am not on the accelerated promotion scheme, it may be different for you and your county.

You have to have officiated 20 matches between 1st March and the 30th September, and another 20 between the 1st October and the 28th February. You have to have 3 assessed in each of the two periods (totalling 6 assessments minimum). You also have to submit 6 games for assessment between the 1st March and 31st May and submit a further 4 games for assessment between the 1st June and the 30th September. Between 1st October and the 28th February, you have to have submitted a further 8 games for assessment if you have been successful in remaining on the scheme to go for 6-5. You will also have had to complete 2 exams at in-service training events (one for 7-6 and then another for 6-5).
Sounds complicated... my county is much more simple... 15 games same as a standard promotion but with 5 assessments not 3, better scores needed about 75+ and as many games as possible as more games makes you look better when they decide later next year :)

oh and exams are very easy all multiple choice badly worded questions but usually there is an obvious correct answer, however i only had to do one test not 2 just did the 6-5 test not the 7-6
Double Jump. I have put in for a double jump this season and yes what the others have said. 20 middles between 1st March and 30th Sept of which 3 assessments then 20 middles from 1st Oct to 28th Feb and another 3 assessment with 2 exams!
So far I've had 8 middles with 2 assessment, 1 much better than the other! But was told by my RDO that if I don't manage to get the games in will fall back to just a 7-6 promotion so thought I had nothing to lose. Good luck to all on promo scheme
@Southend-ref I am currently taking part in the accelerated promotion scheme in Leicestershire and you have to fulfill all the normal critera except when it comes to the amount of games you referee.

From March 1st 2014 to 30th September I have to do 20 OA games in the middle with 3 assessments and a laws of the game exam (which I passed 34/35), level 7-6

From 1st October to 28th February 2015 I have to complete another 20 OA games in the middle and another Laws of the game exam, level 6-5.

I hope this helps you, good luck when you go for promotion.
@Southend-ref I am currently taking part in the accelerated promotion scheme in Leicestershire and you have to fulfill all the normal critera except when it comes to the amount of games you referee.

From March 1st 2014 to 30th September I have to do 20 OA games in the middle with 3 assessments and a laws of the game exam (which I passed 34/35), level 7-6

From 1st October to 28th February 2015 I have to complete another 20 OA games in the middle and another Laws of the game exam, level 6-5.

I hope this helps you, good luck when you go for promotion.
Just 3 assessments overall, or 3 over both periods of time? (if that makes sense)
Sorry @jojo I missed that bit out I need to have 6 assessments overall 3 for each assessment period.

I had my first assessment last night and from what the assessor said I have nothing to worry about :). I will be putting it on here once I receive it for some feedback and a potential mark from the assessing lot to give me an idea of where I am.
Do you have to apply at the beginning for a double promotion, or is this something that can be decided later or your told ("recommended") to go for? I thought about it this for next year, but have only indicated a normal step 7-6.
@svenny76 you need to indicate at the application time that you wish to do a double jump.

You need to speak to your RDO/RDM if you with to do this as you need their support to do so.
I went for the 7-6 then 6-4 option. You only need to do 20 middles in each season. I guess it just depends if you feel ready for supply league football in 2 years time or even if you want to go to that level!
I went for the 7-6 then 6-4 option. You only need to do 20 middles in each season. I guess it just depends if you feel ready for supply league football in 2 years time or even if you want to go to that level!
You need to good to handle supply middles after just 2 years of OA football.
At supply league, you will be assessed on about half your games. While these assessments are to help a referee to develop, you are also rated against the other supply league referees. I have seen too many referees promoted too quickly to L4 and in their first few matches get sub 70 marks as they did not do the necessary and expected at that level. [Don't blame the assessors, if we get it wrong at this level we can be removed. It is not as simple of "you or me" but no assessor is going to incorrectly mark you and weaken their position].

This demotivates them and they struggle for their first season.

Take advice because 6-4 in a huge leap in the expected standards the referee must achieve.
I can't warn against 6-4 enough.
I did it and it's probably the worst decision I've ever made. Seriously guys, please take my advice and do a year at 5! Doing Supply League lines and Step 6 middles will help you no end!

You need to good to handle supply middles after just 2 years of OA football.
At supply league, you will be assessed on about half your games. While these assessments are to help a referee to develop, you are also rated against the other supply league referees. I have seen too many referees promoted too quickly to L4 and in their first few matches get sub 70 marks as they did not do the necessary and expected at that level. [Don't blame the assessors, if we get it wrong at this level we can be removed. It is not as simple of "you or me" but no assessor is going to incorrectly mark you and weaken their position].

This demotivates them and they struggle for their first season.

Take advice because 6-4 in a huge leap in the expected standards the referee must achieve.
I went for the 7-6 then 6-4 option. You only need to do 20 middles in each season. I guess it just depends if you feel ready for supply league football in 2 years time or even if you want to go to that level!

Would you advise 7-5 though?
Yes, 7-5 I'd say is fine, depending on how long you've been reffing. Possibly a couple of advisory assessments before promotion, or more experienced friends coming to watch and give you tips as some things you do in early games at 7 can cost you marks that will stop the double jump marks
Would you advise 7-5 though?
Depends on your local league structure. In York, the same Saturday league covers L4 to L7 (7 divisions, 90 teams) so yes I would.

With more distinct L6 & L5 leagues possibly not as you may not get the games you need in.
Yes, 7-5 I'd say is fine, depending on how long you've been reffing. Possibly a couple of advisory assessments before promotion, or more experienced friends coming to watch and give you tips as some things you do in early games at 7 can cost you marks that will stop the double jump marks
Thanks. Exactly what you've said is applicable to me, e.g. had L3 and L2 refs come to watch me, and both are assessors so could assess, and my coach is L4 too. Thanks for the info.

Depends on your local league structure. In York, the same Saturday league covers L4 to L7 (7 divisions, 90 teams) so yes I would.

With more distinct L6 & L5 leagues possibly not as you may not get the games you need in.
The same here, the same Saturday league caters for L4-7 as you said.Thanks for letting me know.

I won't be going for promotion till next March anyway so plenty of time yet, just wanted your insights!
If I can echo Lincs22 advice. I have seen a number of 6-4 candidates come and go. They become quickly demotivated during their grace season (1st season at level 4, you are extremely unlikely to get demoted back to 5). They struggle to raise their game enough to little more than scrape by and then spend the next 2 years honing their skills at L4. So they have not gained anything in terms of time over those who went 7-6-5-4.

Now having said all that I have a colleague who went 7-6-4-3. He worked very hard, was very demoralised during his grace season, but persevered and became a very good referee in deed. He's had a good first season at L3 and there's no reason why he shouldn't progress further.
You need to good to handle supply middles after just 2 years of OA football.
At supply league, you will be assessed on about half your games. While these assessments are to help a referee to develop, you are also rated against the other supply league referees. I have seen too many referees promoted too quickly to L4 and in their first few matches get sub 70 marks as they did not do the necessary and expected at that level. [Don't blame the assessors, if we get it wrong at this level we can be removed. It is not as simple of "you or me" but no assessor is going to incorrectly mark you and weaken their position].

This demotivates them and they struggle for their first season.

Take advice because 6-4 in a huge leap in the expected standards the referee must achieve.

I can't warn against 6-4 enough.
I did it and it's probably the worst decision I've ever made. Seriously guys, please take my advice and do a year at 5! Doing Supply League lines and Step 6 middles will help you no end!

I have taken advice on it and like you say it is a very controversial issue! Some are against it but some do encourage it! My decision to go for is based upon my assessments, conversations with colleagues and to an extent a bit of self-belief that I am ready for the step up (I too have seen 6-4 ruin some referees). I plan bridge the gap (as I have essentially missed out Step 6) by constructing my pre-season with as many Step 6 and Step 5 fixtures as possible to get myself used to the standard. The way I see it is that another year now is essentially another year gone in going for the top. I would have gone for 7-5 then 5-4 but it is not the done thing in my county, we prefer the 6-4 for some reason. Lincs22, we do get a 'free year' at 4 where we are not in danger of removal but I sincerely hope I will not put myself in this situation!

When you say work hard - what do you mean? What activity should a new level 4 do to adapt to Supply level?