

Well-Known Member
Level 5 Referee
I think I had a very good game yesterday. School games (secondary) my school year 10 vs another school year 10’s. I’m year 11 and I referee a fair amount of the games for my school. I was told early in the morning when I went to drop my stuff off to the PE department (too much to carry round school all day) that it would be a tasty game. It was. The first half was pretty good. My school 1-3 down, eventually loosing 2-4. The second half is where it all starts. About 7 minutes in, a bad tackle. Easy yellow. It’s very late. Other player gets up and reacts and then it all kicks off. The captains were really good and got their players in order. I booked both. Booked the reaction first. Then went to show the yellow to the home player- admittingly, I had shown the yellow first for the home player as I already knew his name and what have you so just showed it as he was being taken away by his captain and other players. Then a few more silly tackles, nothing too bad. I spoke to the players and everything was good. Then in the last couple of minutes, the away captain was slagging off the home team, every time they misplaced a pass or tackle he would start laughing and shouting at them and swearing (so did other players on his team) and I had enough so called him over and said it was enough and he said ‘book me then, I don’t care’ so I did. Then a last minute penalty for the home team, which their linesmen was flagging that it wasn’t but I ignored as he wasn’t a NAR. Away players were shouting to look at him and I tried explaining that he wasn’t a NAR so I couldn’t for fouls. They said that I had listening to the Home AR earlier. I had, because he gave the Away team a foul then I was booking the away captain and he said I hadn’t seen it. So I just let them take a FK (maybe the wrong thing to do? I don’t usually let that happen- interesting to see people’s thoughts? I hadn’t processed it until after the FK) but after the game it was ok. The players still mouthing off to each other and their teachers had a massive go at them. The Away teacher even brought me in at FT to talk infront of his players about how they behaved towards the opposition and me. He said he would get me whenever he could if I was nearer to him. I laughed and said thank you and he said no honestly I would you were excellent. My mum even got a phone call from the PE department (specifically the teacher who was taking this match today) to say that he was very proud of me today and that he thought I was excellent. Even when things were kicking off, he never felt he had to step in to calm things down. He said my game management, control, whistle, and voice were spot on today. I found it a big positive. I now have a mens game today at 2pm so hopefully can do well in that game later. Thought I would post something positive. Any other positive stories today from anyone? Everyone focuses on improvement but sometimes we should focus on what we’ve done really well.
Thank you all
A&H International
If you are asking for advice, if you have CAR again, instruct them beforehand what their role is, just ins and outs. The instance where you were told of a foul you missed to the away team, the game was already stopped as you were booking someone. You could’ve simply said. Thankyou for letting me know, I’ve not seen it so can’t award a free kick. Sounds like you did well and made a good impression and more importantly that you’ve enjoyed it.
If you are asking for advice, if you have CAR again, instruct them beforehand what their role is, just ins and outs. The instance where you were told of a foul you missed to the away team, the game was already stopped as you were booking someone. You could’ve simply said. Thankyou for letting me know, I’ve not seen it so can’t award a free kick. Sounds like you did well and made a good impression and more importantly that you’ve enjoyed it.
I did give the Them instructions of just ins and outs. I’ve seen this a few times happen, even for my year. The referee listened to the CAR (away team PE teacher) and over turned a penalty! Something definitely to learn from this. I should have said it to my PE teacher. Just something felt I should listen as he awarded the FK to the away team. Sounds silly, I know! But thank you for the advice!
Brilliant, well done.

my only advice is to run the line for better referees if you are not doing do already:)
I’ve done one line for the national women’s league- which I believe was a step 4 game (for women’s) and that was good. I’ve signed up to isthmian u18’s and u23’s (you may know what that is?) as an assistant but waiting for the DBS check to come back so can only do adults games. Unless I do school games as a favour for the PE department or my brothers team etc!
I’ve done one line for the national women’s league- which I believe was a step 4 game (for women’s) and that was good. I’ve signed up to isthmian u18’s and u23’s (you may know what that is?) as an assistant but waiting for the DBS check to come back so can only do adults games. Unless I do school games as a favour for the PE department or my brothers team etc!
Isthmian U18s/U23s a good choice - good games and good experience.
Great stuff (I think, got a bit lost reading on a mobile), but don’t get involved with teams after the final whistle.
Great stuff (I think, got a bit lost reading on a mobile), but don’t get involved with teams after the final whistle.
I was trying to explain to him that I couldn’t take fouls from their linesmen as he wasn’t natural. He didn’t understand. I quickly got pulled away by one of the PE teachers🤣 but yes good advice and something for me to take on board. Thank you!
Isthmian U18s/U23s a good choice - good games and good experience.
I have some friends who play for an isthmian u18’s team and they all think I’m a rubbish ref (none of them ever seen me ref) so part of it is wanting to prove them wrong (maybe?🤷😂) - but mostly for the experience of a good standard of football!
Well done - always great to get the positive feedback and it doesn't happen as often as it should.

When I work with CAR, their role is simply to flag when the whole of the ball is over the touchline - that's it. However, if the CAR was trying to be honest and fair and did have an opinion, I would probably give him a chance to tell me what he saw, if for no other reason than perceptions.

The one area I think we differ is when the slagging of the opposition happens. At the first hint of that, it is a minimum strong word, but I'd be looking to caution where I can. It has no place in the game!