Whitehawk v Three Bridges (step 4)


RefChat Addict
i hope the facebook link works for you...if i find anything on twitter/youtube i'll post that as well...


lots going on here, not least some absolutely abysmal football and odd video editing to add in several extremely wayward shots, but obviously that's not why i've posted it.

looked like two teams intent on kicking the sh*t out of each other and generally behaving like children esp after the mass con. i'm sure the ref will reflect on some things he could have done differently though not sure how much difference that would have made.

after the mass can i think the ref would have benefitted from getting in very quickly on every single free kick which would have helped, perhaps, to prevent the two further minor confrontations shown, especially the second.

the tackle at the end is absolutely grotesque and worthy of a massive ban though it did cause me to laugh out loud
A&H International
Two things for me out so many, blue player going down holding face pretending to have been struck, One wonders where players get such ideas...

The ' tackle' truly made me go, oft. The mad thing about it tho is ( thankfully), the opponent does not appear to be hurt. Again regional variations will apply but here, on say a hearing, or more details being asked for, one of the main frequent items discussed is, " did the player require treatment', and/or ' was he able to continue"

one would hope on this occasion the answers to these, if asked, have no bearing on a truly horrendous challenge
Two things for me out so many, blue player going down holding face pretending to have been struck, One wonders where players get such ideas...

The ' tackle' truly made me go, oft. The mad thing about it tho is ( thankfully), the opponent does not appear to be hurt. Again regional variations will apply but here, on say a hearing, or more details being asked for, one of the main frequent items discussed is, " did the player require treatment', and/or ' was he able to continue"

one would hope on this occasion the answers to these, if asked, have no bearing on a truly horrendous challenge

at this level all the 'dark arts' are evident and as you imply, certainly comes from lack of action at the top

re the challenge and reaction, in this instance the ref gives red before any consideration of a potential injury to the player as he must to prevent any further confrontation which i'm amazed doesnt ensue anyway.

in my mind injury / outcome should have no bearing on disciplinary aside from potentially determining point of contact
The ' tackle' truly made me go, oft. The mad thing about it tho is ( thankfully), the opponent does not appear to be hurt. Again regional variations will apply but here, on say a hearing, or more details being asked for, one of the main frequent items discussed is, " did the player require treatment', and/or ' was he able to continue"

To be fair, after watching it back it seems like the blue player 'slipped' going into that challenge. Obviously still 100% a red card but I don't think he meant for it to be as horrendous as it was.
I was there watching. (I'm newly qualified, first game on Sat(!), experience level=0). I know how hard it is to ref - but I felt the ref should have dished out some yellows early on. The blue players played to frustrate very early on, and gradually realised they could get away with it.... when the ref did start acting it was time for reds - 5 in total.
What you didn't see in the video was loads of persistent infringements by blues, not being dealt with. There where also 2 penalties missed in my opinion, the AR in a good postion to spot one, but either didn't notice or flag an opinion..
What you didn't see in the video was loads of persistent infringements by blues, not being dealt with. There where also 2 penalties missed in my opinion, the AR in a good postion to spot one, but either didn't notice or flag an opinion..
The timing of the first caution (usually a C1) is very important in every game. I had a poor game a few weeks back and it's quite likely that indefensibly 'managing' an early C1 instead of issuing the card contributed heavily towards this. At the same time, you don't wanna go wading in with early subjective cautions because that's just backing yourself into a 'different corner'

In a few years time, you'll be better placed to understand the mental challenges of Refereeing a game like this. The workload would've been unbelievably high. Also, even when lots of sanctions are completely justified, the natural tendency is to feel like 'you've lost control' and this is quite unnerving. It therefore becomes more likely that the Officials will make more mistakes because of the stress they're subjected to

No doubt, this Ref will have been rocking for days (maybe longer) after this game. Only getting back out there for the next game can heal the scars
In a few years time, you'll be better placed to understand the mental challenges of Refereeing a game like this. The workload would've been unbelievably high. Also, even when lots of sanctions are completely justified, the natural tendency is to feel like 'you've lost control' and this is quite unnerving. It therefore becomes more likely that the Officials will make more mistakes because of the stress they're subjected to

Indeed, most of times I have 'lost control' as helpfully described by players is when I've tried talking as much as possible but they keep on committing offences so the cards come out. Usually this stops it but sometimes they keep on so cards keep coming out. Then it's all down to the ref 'losing control' and never the players not keeping discipline.
Thanks guys for your experience - I anticipate the problem is the high mental workload - it's so easy from the stand eating your chips. I suspect I'm likely to issue cards too quickly...
Saw this on FB earlier. The absymal standard of football and behaviour from the players is staggering. Good luck to the ref remembering everything for the disciplinary reports :eek:

Nearly fell off my chair laughing at the player who was gifted a 1v1 with the keeper and somehow put the floodlights in more danger than the opposition goal 🤣
Thanks guys for your experience - I anticipate the problem is the high mental workload - it's so easy from the stand eating your chips. I suspect I'm likely to issue cards too quickly...
One of the first consequences of mental workload you'll experience, is the universal phenomenon that affects all Referees to a varying extent
That is, direction of play. Something anyone else will take for granted, without exception. Stick yourself in the Middle or on the Line however... and suddenly this affliction kicks in. You'll know what I'm on about soon enough!

Everything else we do is subject to the same tenets of sensory distraction/communication, multi-tasking, fatigue and STRESS 😱
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Lol - yes already get the direction of play problem - thought I was going mad, had nightmares trying to work out which direction to raise my hand etc...
Lol - yes already get the direction of play problem - thought I was going mad, had nightmares trying to work out which direction to raise my hand etc...
Yes, just don't go giving a PK for a foul on a defending player in the Penalty Area and you might just live to warn your Grandchildren of this 'wonder'
Any tips on direction of play problem....
Particularly at the start of the second half, call out verbally (loudly) the colour of the team to which you're awarding the throw. Then subsequently signal the direction. On the line, run a constant mental commentary (blue to left, red to right, or whatever works for you)

BTW, first day back at work proper... and I've done next to nothing to justify any salary!
Any tips on direction of play problem....
You've got way more time than you think. Can easily call "red ball" immediately for a throw, and signal slightly later once the brain's kicked into gear. Probably best not to watch any rugby this week ;) Good luck, go get 'em. Smile, relax, know competition rules, apply Law, smile again.