Show me your kit!

Thank you guys! Now really stupid question… studs I take it?

And just for fun… what colour whistle (not sure but seen many refs get passionate about the colour

I do own a pair of molded firm-ground studs (or as we say in the US, cleats), but I rarely wear them. So many of my games are on FieldTurf or really hard fields. The only time I've worn them this spring was when I ran a line for a college match and it was a wet field. The field was immaculate, so I was able to wear the studs without any discomfort.

This is what I usually wear based on field and refereeing role

FieldTurf (4G) center - black running shoes
Grass center - Trail running shoes (seriously, think about doing this - I know tradition is to wear traditional boots, but trail running shoes are really comfortable and have very good grip on all but the most saturated surfaces)
All ARs - Turf soccer shoes (Many referees wear the Adidas Mundial Team boots, but I wear a pair of New Balance shoes since I have pretty wide feet)

As for whistles, I always carry one white whistle so I can see it if I drop it. My two combinations are a black Kakapo/white Acme 635 and a white Acme Thunderer/blue Fox Fuzion.
A&H International
R or AR I wear trail running shoes unless it's a (rare in So Cal) mushy field, in which case I wear molded cleats. (I've used turf shoes in the past, but decided the trail shoes were better--a big difference between a trail running shoe and a pure running shoe is that the trail shoe has more sideways support, which is important for ARing.)
What brand is that black watch? I like that one.
Its non brand mate.
