Lei vs Che


RefChat Addict
Can anyone else see EPL VAR shortens the arm a good 4 inches to what IFAB wants them to? It didn't make a difference in this instance but there have been plenty others that is has.
IFAB: in line with armpit
EPL: bottom f the sleeve
It won't be long before clubs and kit manufacturers figure this out and we end up with very short sleeves.

A&H International
It won't be long before clubs and kit manufacturers figure this out and we end up with very short sleeves.
It's a trade off--are you more worried about handling or offside . . .but seriously, I have sympathy for the poor VAR trying to draw lines: on an extended arm, they have to figure out what would be even with the bottom of the arm pit if the the arm was down.

Top versus side of the shoulder (which had always been taught in the US until this new diagram) is easier to implement for both handling and OS.
The chelsea penalty incident that was eventually given as a free kick. I always thought that if a player was touching the line then he was considered in the box. However I take it, its the point of contact but couldn’t find anything in the laws to specify.
It's the position of the foul. The contact is (the cause of) the foul so that's why you look at where the contact was.
It's the position of the foul. The contact is (the cause of) the foul so that's why you look at where the contact was.
Handling by a GK is a bit quirky on this concept, as solely the position of the ball matters. So even if the GK and his hand are entirely outside of the PA, if any part of the ball is on or over the PA line, it is not an offense by the GK. (Language on this is slightly better than it used to be, but still not 100% clear from just reading the Laws.)