It was nice while it lasted...

A&H International
If it's not covid it's the weather...

Snow has called my game off tonight :(
My game for tomorrow afternoon has been called off due to covid travel, but in fairness, knowing the venue, and the weather we've had today, I'm not sure it would've gone ahead anyway.

Pitch there isn't great usually however having not been used for a month it might have been alright, but not if the sleet keeps up, and it's higher ground so potentially snow.
My game for tomorrow afternoon has been called off due to covid travel, but in fairness, knowing the venue, and the weather we've had today, I'm not sure it would've gone ahead anyway.

Pitch there isn't great usually however having not been used for a month it might have been alright, but not if the sleet keeps up, and it's higher ground so potentially snow.

Hoping my game tomorrow survives, keen for a run out!
How many games has everyone managed to do so far this season? Including pre-season I'm on 19, and due to get to 25 by the end of the year.
21 pre-season and 30 during the season somehow..... so 51 total. Not bad going considering a lockdown! 7 of them were as AR.
  • Wow
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Did my women's friendly yesterday - astro turf, but quite one sided so one half was a lot colder than the other!

U18s county cup middle and an Isthmian U18s line scheduled for next Sunday and Monday.
10 pre season friendlies and 18 competitive games (2 as AR). Had 2 observations in the first 2 weeks so thankfully I only need 1 more. My new county arranged for me to get that in my first week back last Saturday but the game was called off due to covid regs.
In the previous tier system referees could travel in and out of tier 3 areas, but teams couldn't. I saw an email from the FA today saying they are seeking guidance from DCMS around the regulations on travelling between tiers.
I don’t know if you’ve heard anything about this, but I’ve just questioned a few of my fixtures and been advised that the FA have confirmed referees are exempt from the cross tier travel rules
I don’t know if you’ve heard anything about this, but I’ve just questioned a few of my fixtures and been advised that the FA have confirmed referees are exempt from the cross tier travel rules

This was the case in South Yorkshire when we went into tier 3 at the outset of the tier system being brought in. Players couldn't travel across tiers but referees could as it was classed as work.

Also knew we would one day be considered key workers!
I don’t know if you’ve heard anything about this, but I’ve just questioned a few of my fixtures and been advised that the FA have confirmed referees are exempt from the cross tier travel rules

Yes, that's what I meant. Referees are exempt but the clubs aren't, it was just unclear when I posted whether the same tier 3 regulations would apply now.
One of the leagues I do spans 4 counties, and teams from each county can only play other teams from their county. Even though all the counties are in the same tier.

I don't really get that one.
My County Cup on Sunday is between two teams who are both not in that county?????
My understanding is the FA guidance does allow teams to travel between counties, not spectators. I'd have to double check but there were definitely additional freedoms given to teams over speccys.
I think this is a local thing, for example lancs have continued their suspension of football until Jan.
My understanding is the FA guidance does allow teams to travel between counties, not spectators. I'd have to double check but there were definitely additional freedoms given to teams over speccys.
I think this is a local thing, for example lancs have continued their suspension of football until Jan.

Probably wrong thread, but I didn't really mean form a Covid perspective - just wondered why they don't enter their own County Cups and didn't realise that Counties let neighbouring county teams enter?
My game has passed inspection this morning (not sure how, given the weather hasn't been much better).
Game on! 😁
I'm on my 4th friendly of the day! 3 cancelled for one reason or another...hopefully number 4 survives the rain...
I had to call off my County Cup game on arrival. Water on or very near surface over half the pitch and given it was raining and not forecast to stop, pretty straightforward decision. Both managers happy, one coach wasn't, but you can't please everyone!

Tomorrow's line is astro, so SHOULD be OK!
I'm really missing games right now. It would be futsal but it's off until new year.

Luckily, on the numbers tip, I did over 100 games between June and October when we had outdoor footy. We had to pack the games in a shortened season and I obliged ;) Probably makes me miss it more TBH :(