Ooooh owie owie owww

Ryan Owens

Token Colonial
Level 3 Referee
I decided I'd walk to my matches today as it was beautiful weather. I had to wear my winter boots still, though, because there is still snow. Unfortunately, my boots are just a tiny bit small so I ended up with massive blisters on my heels. Add on two games of running to that and you'll find that I have some pretty nasty blisters. Any advice out there for what to do to a) minimize the danger of infection and b) minimize the pain?

Cheers lads.
A&H International
Pop them with a sterilised needle
Apply some antiseptic cream to stop them getting infected
Cover them over

You can also get some special blister coverage plasters from good chemists, they are designed to stay on for 7-10 days and can help.

This worked for me, as I got quite a few when I was training for a charity 26 mile walk a little while back. They were a bit tender for a few days, but didn't stop me in my tracks
How far was the pitch away? I wouldn't dream of walking to a pitch that is further than "just around the corner", I'd normally take my bike :)
It was an hour's walk which, for me, is nothing. I love walking around the city. Cheers for the advice, Justy. If I'm honest, I'm a bit scared to pop it -- it's really huge. :p
Okay, popped it. It feels much better but that was disgusting. Jeez... Gotta be more careful from now on.
Come on, guys, you know that you're not supposed to pop a blister, but do that thing where you press the needle against the unblistered skin next to it and come up under and inside the blister, as it were, so that the fluid seeps out but the blistered skin just deflates rather than tears.

tho perhaps that's just an old wives tale
Come on, guys, you know that you're not supposed to pop a blister, but do that thing where you press the needle against the unblistered skin next to it and come up under and inside the blister, as it were, so that the fluid seeps out but the blistered skin just deflates rather than tears.

tho perhaps that's just an old wives tale
With you on that. Push a needle in right at the edge of the blister and drain. The blister will deflate and leave a "protective" covering over the raw skin. Always worked for me - and my old wife.
When I get blisters I normally by Compeet Blister Plasters. They work fairly well for about 1 hours running, when they start to come off due to friction and sweat.