penalty encroachment in the football league

Kent Ref

RefChat Addict
I saw one penalty yesterday (FL highlights on quest) where the team mate of the kicker was 2-3 yards from the penalty spot when the kicker struck the ball. Referee did nothing.

I did a freeze frame of another penalty 2 weeks ago and i counted 9 players were in the area before the ball was kicked.

Is this now just an accepted norm of the football league referees?
A&H International
At the professional level, that is very rarely called anymore. It’s not right, but it’s reality. Those of us who do call it in our matches then bear the brunt of “but they don’t call it on TV!” calls from players, coaches, and parents.

It’s just a different game in the pro ranks.
Trend is for it to only be penalised if it directly affects the outcome...eg. the encroaching player scores or clears from the rebound
Indicative that it's not practicable to apply the Law in question or that it's trifling, rendering the Law unfit for purpose (imo)
I think it is more or less only pulled up on if it has an impact on the play. For example, if the penalty is saved and that attacker gets to the rebound.
Trend is for it to only be penalised if it directly affects the outcome...eg. the encroaching player scores or clears from the rebound
Indicative that it's not practicable to apply the Law in question or that it's trifling, rendering the Law unfit for purpose (imo)
That is how it is being applied by PGMOL but all that does is show, yet again, that Mike Riley thinks they are above the Laws. Why should Engligh professional referees pick and choose which Laws to apply?
That is how it is being applied by PGMOL but all that does is show, yet again, that Mike Riley thinks they are above the Laws. Why should Engligh professional referees pick and choose which Laws to apply?
Because they all pick and choose which laws to ignore. Worldwide. Riley is just a cog in the 'football expects' machine. FIFA and IFAB carry the can, very obvious to me
When will the FA issue one set of laws for grassroots and one set for the professional game?

I think it will happen.

I once mentioned encroachment at penalties to a premier league referee and he said "the premier league want a penalty to be scored and are not too worried about anything else at a penalty".
When will the FA issue one set of laws for grassroots and one set for the professional game?

I think it will happen.

I once mentioned encroachment at penalties to a premier league referee and he said "the premier league want a penalty to be scored and are not too worried about anything else at a penalty".
The FA don't have the authority to do so
The Sin Bin thing is enshrined in Law (for example)
That is how it is being applied by PGMOL but all that does is show, yet again, that Mike Riley thinks they are above the Laws. Why should Engligh professional referees pick and choose which Laws to apply?
That's how it's being applied almost everywhere around the world at the professional level, and a large number of places at the non-professional level.

Not just a Mike Riley/PGMOL thing, so feel free to take your vitriol elsewhere on that one.
I'm OK in principal with the law as it's actually applied ie. only penalise if it has an effect, both for GK and outfield player encroachment. I think that's more sensible that making a game-changing decision because of something irrelevant.

I just wish they'd get round to writing that into law, rather than just crossing their fingers and wishing for it to be applied that way.
That's how it's being applied almost everywhere around the world at the professional level, and a large number of places at the non-professional level.

Not just a Mike Riley/PGMOL thing, so feel free to take your vitriol elsewhere on that one.
I have seen many penalties retaken due to encroachment when watching overseas games, so not everybody ignores it. I don't watch enough overseas games to say if anybody else does follow the same principal but if enough countries did then surely it would have been up for review by IFAB?
I have seen many penalties retaken due to encroachment when watching overseas games, so not everybody ignores it. I don't watch enough overseas games to say if anybody else does follow the same principal but if enough countries did then surely it would have been up for review by IFAB?
I suspect that it's like the handball changes. Waiting to get things settled and proven to be "good enough", then rewrite the Law to match the taught interpretations.
I suspect that it's like the handball changes. Waiting to get things settled and proven to be "good enough", then rewrite the Law to make it more confusing.
There. I fixed it for you. Well, it is usually confusing, except when it is not usually confusing.