

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi all,

In my twilight playing years (38 soon and knees getting on a bit) so I'm signed up to do the ref course in August and have been looking at a few posts on here. Hopefully it'll all go well.

My main hang up atm is that I wear glasses (tried contacts but never got on with them - maybe worth another try to avoid player comments...)

As an aside I'm also a grassroots League Secretary and County FA rep for the League so see quite a few aspects of it all at this level.

All the best
A&H International
My main hang up atm is that I wear glasses (tried contacts but never got on with them - maybe worth another try to avoid player comments...)

You might want to try the daily contact lenses. I wore contacts for several years, but my eyes didn't like them. I went back at some point to try the dailies, which I use to ref and other times I don't want to deal with having frames. Since you only where the dailies once, they can't build up irritating crud on them.

For me it's not about what others perceive from the frames, but the annoyance of having the frames on when I run.
Keep trying different contacts. Took me ages to find the rights ones (not too big, not drying out, monthly, soft in my case). It can even come down to the right brand as small variations might matter to you. Good luck.