Che V City

A&H International
just joined... double advantage there...? handball in the centre circle then Rudiger slips and brings down Sane... ball runs to Aguero... no YC... hmm... reffing the occasion... or smart?
Anyone dealing with that sub in the same was as Moss? That was a complete farce by Chelsea
I cant see this. The Chelsea gk refused to be subbed and is now in the sticks, injured for the shoot out??!!!!!
But if a player won't leave, can the ref enforce the substitution?
Excellent performance by Jon Moss.

If I was Arrizabalaga I'd be having a chat with Pep to see if I can get changed in the Man City changing room … :)

Yes, surely grounds for dismissal, gross misconduct. No fan of either team but sickening to hear of a player doing that not just to his boss, but, taking the urine out his entire club.
Excellent performance by Jon Moss.

If I was Arrizabalaga I'd be having a chat with Pep to see if I can get changed in the Man City changing room … :)
What about the blatant double SPA
Without analysing the book, advantage played for SPA by a defensive player, followed by a separate SPA by the same defender on another player = S6... Does it not? Stand to be corrected, but that would have been my decision, so claims of 'excellent performance' need to pass this KMI test
As for the Sub thing. Nothing the ref could do under the Laws AFAIK
Bye bye Sari
But if a player won't leave, can the ref enforce the substitution?
I’m going to an event that Jon Moss will be attending next week.

As said above nothing that can be done in the laws but I might ask if the referee can do anything to defuse that situation. Not sure there really is mind...

Disgraceful from Arrizabalaga by the way.
I missed ET and pens doing some DIY jobs for my father in Law who recovering from a stroke last year,

I’ve seen a GK get subbed and as he marched off the pitch and tried to head butt his own manager in the melee. I sent him off obviously but the other 22 players and subs were flabbergasted and some were rolling about laughing. Most keepers are two pennies short of a shilling so I’m not surprised.
I missed ET and pens doing some DIY jobs for my father in Law who recovering from a stroke last year,

I’ve seen a GK get subbed and as he marched off the pitch and tried to head butt his own manager in the melee. I sent him off obviously but the other 22 players and subs were flabbergasted and some were rolling about laughing. Most keepers are two pennies short of a shilling so I’m not surprised.

The gk is usually the most unhinged character in a team. To be fair, they normally only play 2 roles, hero or villain, no inbetween, a bit like us madcaps, they can (be seen) as being responsible for the whole season collapsing with one error.
Moss goes over to the the Chelsea manager and speaks to him, who knows what was said but my guess is he has asked him if he wants to makes the sub and then shows a sort of no motion so that if true is all Moss can do.

If manager says he wants to make the sub can Moss caution the Chelsea keeper for delaying the restart ?
I once played with a goalkeeper who couldn't take part in any team talks or post match celebrations because he didn't like crowded places and couldn't sit in a changing room full of people. This was a keeper who went on to play in the North West Counties league's and played in an FA Vase semi final. He also would only travel in a car with just the driver.

As for John Moss. Offer him that performance in a final and he snatches your hand off. His name won't be mentioned in the papers tomorrow so he will be chuffed!