What happens on the pitch!!!

A&H International
He's a very good Championship player, potentially a decent PL star; but he's also an idiot and a really dirty so and so
The tackle that led to this incident was absolutely appalling!!!! Blue card, total retribution tackle!!! Shocker!!
Yeh I've seen that before. Roy Keane type assault
FF is one of the Championship's most adept cheats though. Butter wouldn't melt until he goes on the assault
My comments may be censored, but that just reflects the problem in the modern game. Nobody will speak out against these prima donnas
Quite honestly, I turned down two tickets for a Premier League game today (involving my team), in favour of watching Step 5. These types of player are the reason why. I think this is relevant to a referees forum because my comments are agnostic with respect to individual clubs. It must be near on impossible to referee these individuals. Thankfully, I'll never find out!