Back after 12yrs

leicester Ref

New Member
Hi everyone, I packed up Refereeing 12yrs ago through a bad leg injury. I had to go on Refereeing course again and found some l.o.t.g.
changes. I am 53yrs old now and had my first game back on Saturday 15/18. It was freezing cold not quite what I was expecting but the players
behaved themselves up until 80th minute, losing 3-0 the away side wanted to call it a day. One player stating they could walk off if they wanted to.
I told him quite loudly so his team mates could hear, Its up to you but it goes in the match report that your team abandoned the match and not
quite sure how big the fine for his club would be. Within 5mins they clawed back to 3-2 then all I got was Ref hope your adding loads of injury time
to this game. (Footballs a funny old game) Anyway apart from aching in the morning I'm looking forward to my next match in January.
Its looking good on the match reports with all the internet now, used to be loads of writing for disciplinary reports and stamps and envelope's.
Happy Christmas and New Year to everyone.
A&H International
Handballs don’t have to be deliberate anymore apparently, if it hits your hand you must of done it deliberately even when it’s blasted at you and your hands are by your side! 🥴
The two most important things you should know now (according to debate lenght at this forum):
It's critical how you toss a coin for kick off and if you do paper, rock scissors instead of coin toss you could get suspended for 21 days.
I don't know what it was like 12 years ago but now 95% of referees think you should tuck your shirt in.
What possessed you to come back after 12 years away?????????????
Hi Richard, One of my mates started up when I finished 12yrs ago, Watched him ref one of his games towards last season and he
made my mind up that there is some good lads in the league that just want to play football. That's on a Saturday mind, If I can get
up to match fitness this season I will maybe do sundays again. Another one of the referees I know is 60yrs old and still in the middle,
maybe I do love the refereeing side of it so not all bad ( I hope lol )
The two most important things you should know now (according to debate lenght at this forum):
It's critical how you toss a coin for kick off and if you do paper, rock scissors instead of coin toss you could get suspended for 21 days.
I don't know what it was like 12 years ago but now 95% of referees think you should tuck your shirt in.

I think respect 12yrs ago was worse than it is now, Some of todays players are realising without referees the game of football would fold up,
I"m going to give it a good go this year and when I get silly chat from players I"ll just remind them how important we are.
If you ever see a post from me that I'm returning after 12 years can you please return to your séance and look for someone else!!

I went back through east for a senior pre season friendly two summers ago, to a ground I was at numerous times before returning to minor football...
Home captain at the handshake, Great to see you etc etc etc...
We had heard you passed away!!!

Turns out football fan with same name as me died coinciding with my move from grass roots to senior years back and my geographical move from east to west and they put one and one together and assumed by lack of appearance at their place was due to this...

So yes, it is possible to referee in the after life!
I see former players / victims around town, a few ok comments, I’m just waiting for something from a random match 10-12 years ago to ignite a situation.