Heard something troubling the other day....


RefChat Addict
I was speaking to a relatively newly qualified ref, second season, last week and I have to admit I was shocked, and more than slightly angered by what he said. He does only ref youth football but that's a debate that's occurred many times, so lets not start that one up again! :D

He said that he didn't book players because, quote "I can't be bothered filling the paperwork in". :mad:

There's nothing that annoys me more than referees not bothering to do their job properly, not only does it give the rest of us a bad name, it sends out the wrong message.

Rant over.
A&H International
Seen too much of this in my time. In my experience these guys will never change. Paperwork is so much easier these days, so there is no excuse. Long gone are the days of handwriting your reports, some counties in triplicate and on different colour forms, and photo copies weren't accepted either. Yellows were easy, but when you had a red, requiring an essay to be written, doing these in triplicate weren't fun, let me tell you.
Seen too much of this in my time. In my experience these guys will never change. Paperwork is so much easier these days, so there is no excuse. Long gone are the days of handwriting your reports, some counties in triplicate and on different colour forms, and photo copies weren't accepted either. Yellows were easy, but when you had a red, requiring an essay to be written, doing these in triplicate weren't fun, let me tell you.

That's the most annoying part, it really is so easy to send in a report. It literally takes me a couple of minutes now I know what I'm doing!

I can't imagine having to hand write everything, it really doesn't sound fun!
He is being paid to referee a football match. Part of that payment covers him filling in the paperwork for any misconduct. This means that he is not doing what he is being paid to do.
i booked a 13 year old in my first ever game....haven't looked back since, yellows, reds, managers sent away from the pitch, abandoned matches.....i love it :)