
Player calls you a “mong”.....

  • Yellow

    Votes: 11 20.8%
  • Red

    Votes: 38 71.7%
  • Talking to....

    Votes: 4 7.5%
  • Other.....

    Votes: 2 3.8%

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Sadly it isn’t irrelevant because experience is what helps shape how you deal with a situation.

Of course it’s relevant. The world changes and we have to adapt, not just take it for what it was 30 years ago. Would you send someone off if they called you a retard? Of course you would ... and they are doing the same if they called you a mong. Applying the meaning of a word from 30 years ago isn’t ‘experience’, it’s wrong.
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A&H International
Of course it’s irrelevant. The world changes and we have to adapt, not just take it for what it was 30 years ago. Would you send someone off if they called you a retard? Of course you would ... and they are doing the same if they called you a mong. Applying the meaning of a word from 30 years ago isn’t ‘experience’, it’s wrong.

Don’t think I’d be instinctively reaching for the cherry for ‘retard’ either......

Would you dismiss a player for calling another player a ‘retard’ or ‘mong’?
Don’t think I’d be instinctively reaching for the cherry for ‘retard’ either......

Would you dismiss a player for calling another player a ‘retard’ or ‘mong’?

If you don’t consider that to be insulting language then there’s no hope
Would you send someone off if they called you a retard?
Depends on the context
A player can say pretty much anything to me without being dismissed; depending on the context
In truth, my vocabulary is really quite good for a Geordie, but the word 'Mong' is completely new to me. Never heard it used once, ever. But it still depends on context. The flap it's caused is excessive imo
We do live in a snowflake society where someone is offended by just about anything. I would hate to be a comedian today as you can’t do any of Jim Davison’s 70s routine even if you wanted to!
tbf i am not offended by it. Jimmy Carr, Frankie Boyle et al dont even come close to scratching my offence tolerance.
However, if someone is essentially saying I have special needs or a derogatory term for a person who has down syndrome, that is abusive and I am insulted by it it is also insulting to people who have downs syndrome who may very well be a spectator and hear the abuse.
Insulted and offended are two different things and it doesnt have to be a triple whammy for a red.. its offensive insulting and/or abusive. So any 1 of these or combination will do.
@Padfoot very surprised that you are on the other side of the fence here. You are forever chastising referees for doing nothing about the abuse they get yet here you are readily accepting the abuse? Very confusing...
It doesn't matter whether you are offended. The word we are talking about will be highly offensive to others and therefore a red has to come out if you hear it being said.

I'm in my mid 40s and there are a lot of words that were common place when I was at school that are totally unacceptable now. The local corner shop was routinely referred to as something else, as was the local Chinese take away, but use either of those words now and you would lose your job if used at work, rightly, and if allowing them to be used as a referee without sanction you should expect to face a suspension.
tbf i am not offended by it. Jimmy Carr, Frankie Boyle et al dont even come close to scratching my offence tolerance.
However, if someone is essentially saying I have special needs or a derogatory term for a person who has down syndrome, that is abusive and I am insulted by it it is also insulting to people who have downs syndrome who may very well be a spectator and hear the abuse.
Insulted and offended are two different things and it doesnt have to be a triple whammy for a red.. its offensive insulting and/or abusive. So any 1 of these or combination will do.
@Padfoot very surprised that you are on the other side of the fence here. You are forever chastising referees for doing nothing about the abuse they get yet here you are readily accepting the abuse? Very confusing...

Neither did nothing nor did I readily accept it.......it just didn’t make me reach for the cherry.

Given the context in which it was said, the caution for dissent was appropriate and accepted by the player.

That said, I wouldn’t be critical of someone who chose to dismiss for it either.

And for those trying to relate it to racial insults.....no. Not in the same league.
Abuse of any description on the FoP requires in my opinion, The most severe sanction available.
I remember one of my 1st Local amatuer games
I was called upon to dismiss a player As he was hear to call an opponent and I quote " A Polish *****"
There had been handbags prior to a Corner. The offending players had been warned if it went on there would be sanctions administered. So the handbags went on and the defending Goalkeeper was Dismissed after using to above quote to address an opponent
My advice to Anyone, deal the situation as you see it then report it to the Proper Authorities with as much detail as possible
This happened to me on a supply league game in March.

The guy had the nerve to appeal, presumably because he didn't expect the use of the word to carry a longer ban than standard OFFINABUS. I was therefore asked to attend a personal hearing (only to end up doing it via webinar instead), but I said I didn't want to be notified of the outcome, having once before suffered the frustration of listening to a player lie and get off a charge.

However, as I recently saw the player on the scoresheet for his new club, curiousity got the better of me and I looked up his appearance stats, which suggested that he has not been banned as a result of the hearing in June. So if it's not too late I might ask the CFA for the "written reasons".
Context context context

"Ref you mong" and a smile and tap on the back is 100% different than "Ref you f'ing mong" screaming in your face.

You'd be surprised what language these lads use on a daily basis - "you f'ing idiot" is almost a sign of endearment.

I'm only sending someone for offensive language if it is said aggressively and over the top. (with some exceptions)
It doesn't matter whether you are offended. The word we are talking about will be highly offensive to others and therefore a red has to come out if you hear it being said.
In a world where some people take offence to EVERYTHING you cannot go out on the pitch and use the logic that "someone might be offended, so it's red". I'm not debating this particular term but you will always find someone offended by something.
Rarely ever football refereeing is exact science. Context (many factors involved) is so very important. It's not a word association exercise especially for dissent and OFFINABUS.

For OP I can think of different contexts which make either of the optiins correct.
Context, context, context. Let's take a word like idiot for example. "Don't be an idiot ref" or "this refs an idiot" said in a non threatening or aggressive tone, lemon. "Ref you're an ****** idiot" screamed in your face in an aggressive manner, cherry. There are a number of words where tone or context are irrelevant and require the cherry straight away. Then there are words which you may find inoffensive but a different ref finds highly offensive. Language evolves as does tolerance to certain words. Mong is a perfect example of a word that once carried little offense but now carries a much bigger potential of OFFINABUS. To a young ref it might be up there with the worst words due to its evolution, older ones may remember mong as it's original use and it's closeness to the word spastic. Another word which can now be considered terrible but not that many years ago was an appropriate adjective! I remember the spastic society charity as many others will.

It's not black and white, it's personal dependant on each ref and it's shrouded in context. Some words evolve to become more offensive, some less, such as 'a female dog' which carries nothing like the offense it used to. Context and personal opinion based on your upbringing and circumstance.
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Yes, context is extremely important. I once sent a player off for very quietly saying to me "you're a fairy". He'd chosen the wrong day to have a pop and had walked over to deliberately have a quiet word. On this occasion I just wasn't having it.
Yes, context is extremely important. I once sent a player off for very quietly saying to me "you're a fairy". He'd chosen the wrong day to have a pop and had walked over to deliberately have a quiet word. On this occasion I just wasn't having it.

I'm struggling to imagine a context where that would not be a red?
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