The Ref Stop

'Violent Conduct' on Referee

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RefChat Addict

I can see why he thinks it is, but surely he can't be 100% sure, it's a huge decision to not be totally sure of.

The arm across the ref possibly suggests more than an accidental collision - but VC?
The Ref Stop
I'm sure it felt like VC, but maybe a word with the AR could have led to a careless or accidental verdict
Brave call. I agree with @Big Cat , a word with the AR might have been of use. Surely both AR's would have had a good view of it?

Any follow up news about this? Was it appealed?

What a load of nonsense. I was brushed harder than that by an 80 year old this morning in the local garden centre.
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shocking from the ref, the player if anything was gesturing with his arm to actually protect the ref as he ran round him, I do it all the time nearly a coming together with sum1 you instinctively put a hand on them to sort of pass without them turning into you.

He obviously felt it was a deliberate strike by the player but an ounce of common sense would surely have made him question that.
I don't think the player has helped himself by waving his arms at the referee as he appeals for the decision. The referee then turns his back and I suspect he thinks the player was still doing the same when he made contact with him. I don't think he did and rather realised he wasn't getting the decision, then realised the referee was between him and the ball so tries to squeeze past him.
I don’t think it’s VC, but I think the players putting his arm across the referees neck and effectively pulling him back/over hasn’t helped his cause and I can understand why the referee might have thought it was.

shocking from the ref, the player if anything was gesturing with his arm to actually protect the ref as he ran round him, I do it all the time nearly a coming together with sum1 you instinctively put a hand on them to sort of pass without them turning into you.

He obviously felt it was a deliberate strike by the player but an ounce of common sense would surely have made him question that.

The irony of some one who threw a hissy fit on the line when someone shouted at him saying the referee should have used some common sense.
Never VC in the memory of man, maybe a bollocking at very best, I’m not even getting a card out for that, he’s 100% guessed.... wrong.... having broke up full on 1v1 scraps myself, this lad needs to eat his veg and bulk up a bit!
I don’t think it’s VC, but I think the players putting his arm across the referees neck and effectively pulling him back/over hasn’t helped his cause and I can understand why the referee might have thought it was.

The irony of some one who threw a hissy fit on the line when someone shouted at him saying the referee should have used some common sense.

Are u not over that yet!?

I am
Some strange refereeing in the BOSTIK leagues! No wonder the South East doesn't have many select group officials.

Wonder what the restart was? :p
The player has deliberately grabbed the referee to pull on him, like a player, as he ran past. There's just no reason to be doing that. Wouldn't be tolerated in any sport, anywhere.
That's a red card in my books.
Having said that, given the ref would have felt it, not seen it, he really should be discussing it with the AR.
The player has deliberately grabbed the referee to pull on him, like a player, as he ran past. There's just no reason to be doing that. Wouldn't be tolerated in any sport, anywhere.
That's a red card in my books.
Having said that, given the ref would have felt it, not seen it, he really should be discussing it with the AR.

So your saying it was VC then?

Hasn’t that been player on player you would have sent him off.
The bar for what's considered violent when against a ref tends to be a lot lower. Player deliberately grabs your card out of your hand, or grabs your arm to stop you showing a card, things like that would be a RC for VC.
He's grabbed the ref and pulled him back when there was no need to - it's on the player to try to get around him. Now, sometimes accidents happen, but the referee wasn't getting in the player's way here, the ref was still running away from the player and the player still chose to cut right across the back of him and grab him to pull him back so he could get past him.
Now, that may be a part of the game for players (although this would have been a foul were it against a player), but no reason whatsoever to be doing that to a ref, he's crossed the line big time.
The bar for what's considered violent when against a ref tends to be a lot lower. Player deliberately grabs your card out of your hand, or grabs your arm to stop you showing a card, things like that would be a RC for VC.
He's grabbed the ref and pulled him back when there was no need to - it's on the player to try to get around him. Now, sometimes accidents happen, but the referee wasn't getting in the player's way here, the ref was still running away from the player and the player still chose to cut right across the back of him and grab him to pull him back so he could get past him.
Now, that may be a part of the game for players (although this would have been a foul were it against a player), but no reason whatsoever to be doing that to a ref, he's crossed the line big time.

100% wholeheartedly disagree, for starters the hand pulls back on shoulder of referee so how the ref ends up going forward I don’t know.

I’ve had comings together with refs on the field of play I’ll instinctively put an arm on them to stop them turning into me, just like walking round a shopping centre I’ll very lightly put a hand not on someone but hovering above there shoulder when passing in a tight spot it’s natural.

I’ve had players make contact with me in a game it doesn’t cross my mind to do anything about it apart from not get in the way again.

If your asking me to make it 11 v 10 & hinder a teams chances of winning the game for that then take my badge back because that is not a red card never in a million years!