U15 game


New Member
Today I reffed an u15 game.

I told both teams I will not tolerate dissent before kick off.

I handed out 1 YC because I was called an arsehole, for giving him offside.

1 RC for being called a “f**king cheat”.
When he was on the sideline the player kept shouting at me saying I was a joke etc and their team were winning.

There was also a spectator on the sideline who was shouting crap at me all game I told him if he didn’t quieten down I would ask him to leave the area, he said he wouldn’t leave at all and I couldn’t make him. In the end I lost my cool and swore at him I told him to f**king shut it

I know I did wrong but will learn from it.

Any advise ?
A&H International
You've answered your own synopsis Swallow, never swear at anyone!! It only goes bad!! Don't get involved with spectators at all! Let the home team do that! You can't remove anyone from a public place!!!
As for the decisions, maybe you being called an Asehole, he should have seen red too.... You have the tools, use them!!
I gave the yellow because it was u15.

After the game their coach got all the parents together and didn’t realise I was stood behind him, he was telling all the parents to put reports in about the 2 cards and exactly what they should all say.

What will happen there?
Today I reffed an u15 game.

I told both teams I will not tolerate dissent before kick off.

I handed out 1 YC because I was called an arsehole, for giving him offside.

1 RC for being called a “f**king cheat”.
When he was on the sideline the player kept shouting at me saying I was a joke etc and their team were winning.

There was also a spectator on the sideline who was shouting crap at me all game I told him if he didn’t quieten down I would ask him to leave the area, he said he wouldn’t leave at all and I couldn’t make him. In the end I lost my cool and swore at him I told him to f**king shut it

I know I did wrong but will learn from it.

Any advise ?
The player should not be on the sideline. Red card = must leave immediate vicinity of pitch. No restart until he does. Still refuses - advise further misconduct report + if he is continuing to abuse you there are grounds for abandonment which you follow through with of you have grounds to do so.

Spectator - dont deal direct. Home club. Ask. Tell. Act. In this case: Can you plese deal with said spectator. Next, I've asked you and you havent done anything, no action will lead to a misconduct report and possible abandonment. Third time end the game... collect flags and match fee and report to league as soon as is practicably possible. They'll want to hear it from you first.

Finally, its hard, but you must keep ypur cool... you've sent someone off for offinabus and effectively committed the same offence. As far as I am concerned the laws, in most cases, apply to all participants including the referee. If he club report you for swearing, bearing in mins this is u15 you could be liable to disciplinary action yourself.
The player should not be on the sideline. Red card = must leave immediate vicinity of pitch. No restart until he does. Still refuses - advise further misconduct report + if he is continuing to abuse you there are grounds for abandonment which you follow through with of you have grounds to do so.

Spectator - dont deal direct. Home club. Ask. Tell. Act. In this case: Can you plese deal with said spectator. Next, I've asked you and you havent done anything, no action will lead to a misconduct report and possible abandonment. Third time end the game... collect flags and match fee and report to league as soon as is practicably possible. They'll want to hear it from you first.

Finally, its hard, but you must keep ypur cool... you've sent someone off for offinabus and effectively committed the same offence. As far as I am concerned the laws, in most cases, apply to all participants including the referee. If he club report you for swearing, bearing in mins this is u15 you could be liable to disciplinary action yourself.

Print and save this Swallow. Text book what to do. The dismissed player should be well gone and you don’t have to restart until they are. Don’t engage spectator directly, it never goes well - it’s the home teams responsibility....and don’t swear (but you already know that from your post)
I gave the yellow because it was u15.

After the game their coach got all the parents together and didn’t realise I was stood behind him, he was telling all the parents to put reports in about the 2 cards and exactly what they should all say.

What will happen there?
See my PM
Lesson learned about the swearing. We've all wanted to - never going to end well. You need to remain the better person. What can you put in place to ensure you don't get so upset in the future?
1) The first yellow card. Could have gone either way. Don't go soft just because they're young otherwise you're teaching them the wrong lessons. I tend to be harsher on dissent and abuse at a young age. No big deal.
2)The player who was abusing you from the sideline - a red card means he leaves the vicinity of the FOP. He doesn't leave the vicinity, you approach his manager and advise him that if he doesn't leave, the match will be abandoned. Don't resume the game until the manager has dealt with it. If the player refuses to leave or the manager refuses to assist, then abandon.
If the player does retire to the carpark and continue to abuse you, advise the manager that all his comments are being reported - but the match won't be abandoned.

Make sure you do report all the post-red card abuse.

3) if a spectator is offering too much dissent or being abusive, get the home team manager / ground official to deal with him. For foul language in particular at a youth match, needs to be dealt with pretty quickly. First, get the manager to warn him. Second (or first if it's completely over the top), get the manager to remove him. And again, abandon if he doesn't leave.
Applicable regulations/rules/legislation will typically mean that the sporting body who has that park actually has full control over who is using the park - so yes, the person from the club responsible for the ground most definitely does have the right to remove an abusive person.

As for the coach telling parents to submit a report, let them. Disappointing that the coach has such a disgusting attitude, but that's their problem. Can't appeal a yellow. If they appeal a red, so be it. but you should report what the player did and said afterwards.
Today I reffed an u15 game.

I told both teams I will not tolerate dissent before kick off.

I handed out 1 YC because I was called an arsehole, for giving him offside.

1 RC for being called a “f**king cheat”.
When he was on the sideline the player kept shouting at me saying I was a joke etc and their team were winning.

There was also a spectator on the sideline who was shouting crap at me all game I told him if he didn’t quieten down I would ask him to leave the area, he said he wouldn’t leave at all and I couldn’t make him. In the end I lost my cool and swore at him I told him to f**king shut it

I know I did wrong but will learn from it.

Any advise ?
A lot of good advise here so I won't repeat any. But i would be concerned about if what the coach told the parents to report was not true or a misrepresentation of it. When there are a lot of reports saying the same thing which contradict yours, it creates doubts. I'd be inclined to include what I heard from the coach in my report to make it clear it was a coordinated effort.
actually, now that you put it that way I do agree with you. I think it's worth highlighting that the manager is clearly trying to pervert the course of justice, so to speak.
The, at what age to start carding argument comes back as often as ' a Referee at a free buffet'... There isn't really a 100% correct answer, you can go down the 'they're just learning' furrow or the 'I card for everything' furrow, the answer is probably somewhere in the middle!!!
For those that might be concerned over the carding at youth due to the financial cost to the player, remember that CFA fines for youth must be paid by the club and are not allowed to be passed on to the player. Also, certainly with my CFA, the cost of a yellow card to the club has been reduced to £2.50 (for youth). So help educate players by carding when appropriate.
Thanks for the replies.

I have definitely learnt from this match, less talking by me and just ignore what’s being said from the touch line
Don't necessarily ignore what's being said from the touch line, but don't take it personally. If there is loud swearing coming from spectators at a youth game, I would be dealing with it (via the home team manager).
2)The player who was abusing you from the sideline - a red card means he leaves the vicinity of the FOP. He doesn't leave the vicinity, you approach his manager and advise him that if he doesn't leave, the match will be abandoned. Don't resume the game until the manager has dealt with it. If the player refuses to leave or the manager refuses to assist, then abandon.
If the player does retire to the carpark and continue to abuse you, advise the manager that all his comments are being reported - but the match won't be abandoned.

With this being an Under 15's game, what if the club only has a single coach at the game, no parents or anyone else to stay with the player who is to leave the vicinity?
With this being an Under 15's game, what if the club only has a single coach at the game, no parents or anyone else to stay with the player who is to leave the vicinity?
Managers may try this line when that's not truly the case. Threaten abandonment and I suspect the manager will suddenly remember someone suitable to help out.

In reality, it depends on what the card is for. DOGSO offences or a second yellow for something technical and I might be inclined to use common sense and let the player stay in the vicinity if safeguarding is an issue on the condition he is silent. But any VC, OFFINABUS, SFP or any other controversial sending off and I'm not risking my match control by having an angry player on the sideline - get him away or we're not continuing.