The Ref Stop

Start Watch/Whistle or Whistle/Start Watch.

Best practice for starting each half of the match?

  • Start Watch then Whistle

    Votes: 45 95.7%
  • Whistle then Start Watch

    Votes: 2 4.3%

  • Total voters
The Ref Stop
While this keepy keep peep (and maybe a skip) is all fun, no one has mentioned the rest of the players. A 2 seconds scan of the entre filed, which includes keepers, is usefllul. I have had to signal to sneaky wingers to step back into their own half in multiple occasions, especially the ones who were behind my direct view. Or wait a couple of extra seconds for a team official to step off etc.
While this keepy keep peep (and maybe a skip) is all fun, no one has mentioned the rest of the players. A 2 seconds scan of the entre filed, which includes keepers, is usefllul. I have had to signal to sneaky wingers to step back into their own half in multiple occasions, especially the ones who were behind my direct view. Or wait a couple of extra seconds for a team official to step off etc.
True. I count teams to make sure right number of players on the pitch and also a last minute check that all corner flags are in place too
Waiting for someone to use Middlesex (Essex, Sussex?) as pun. Even better if you can fit in Plymouth or Portsmouth.