Recent happenings on the site

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Forum VAR
Staff member
Level 6 Referee
FA Referee
Sorry for the delay in getting this out there, but with working 18 hour days and a 1 year old to contend with i just simply havent had the time to post anything.

Anywho, with out boring you with all of the details, we have parted company with 2 members, 1 through their own choice, the other banned due to their behaviour whilst posting on this site. Other than spammers, this is the first member to have been banned from here in the nearly 8 years we have been running

Just as a friendly reminder to you all, abuse to other members, either publically or via private message will not be tolerated! If you see/recieve anything that you feel is out of order, please report the post/message in question, this will then alert the staff to the problem, and we will do our best to deal with it.
Remember, we are not robots, we are volunteers, we do have lives away from the forum, so please be patient with us

Thanks for reading
A&H International

Do not know what’s been happening, nor do I need to know, but many thanks to you and all the mods for their efforts in running this site.

I know that I am a better referee for its existence.

Thanks again

Cheers Ross, we all appreciate the jobs Mods do, when it happened I was looking for the Mod alert button but obviously you all lead private lives and aren't on call 24/7...keep up the great work, and have a great weekend..... Happy 30th to @Tealeaf too, cough!! :flip:
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Obviously something happened that I missed!! How I dont know given I must be near the top of the logged in time leaderboard.

However, place seems to be back to a happy forum again.

Thanks to all the staff members for the hard work they put in to keeping the site a constructive area for referees to learn and share experiences.
Sucks to hear that even referees can act like children. I must say that I do appreciate all the help you're offering Ross.

Keep up the good work.

Do not know what’s been happening, nor do I need to know, but many thanks to you and all the mods for their efforts in running this site.

I know that I am a better referee for its existence.

Thanks again

I second that
Glad to have escaped the night of the long knives! Thanks also from me, this site has been a godsend as I've progressed my refereeing career ....
I have had to send a pvt message to a member as he has totally misunderstood a post of mine on a topic am blocked from replying to because I was naive enough to rise to the bait of another member. The post in question makes my point in the thread read as ridiculous.

I would be fustrated to leave the site as there is always something to learn from others experiences and from my side, its exact as a member posted above, its easy to have a forum post misunderstood. We cant all express it in perfect terms first time of asking!
I have had to send a pvt message to a member as he has totally misunderstood a post of mine on a topic am blocked from replying to because I was naive enough to rise to the bait of another member. The post in question makes my point in the thread read as ridiculous.

I would be fustrated to leave the site as there is always something to learn from others experiences and from my side, its exact as a member posted above, its easy to have a forum post misunderstood. We cant all express it in perfect terms first time of asking!
I wouldn't worry about it. If you submit thousands of posts, the odd one might not go down too well
Always be nice to each other! :D

I saw the forum fall out from the two members who are no longer with us. Didn't make sense to me and I don't really want to know what that was all about.

I like the forum, it's a good place for discussion and is accessible for me compared to typical resources, so please keep up the discussions. :)
Sometimes when we write something it seems reasonable in our heads but comes across as different when read. There is no excuse for abuse between us but if every one remembers if we were having a face to face conversation these misunderstandings probably wouldn't happen. Electronic communication can't contain the naunces and tone of a proper conversation.
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