I don't wish to sound critical (genuinely), but why is that an issue at all? Don't even think about it.
I remember my first season and my first four games were so gentle and incident free, I was convinced I was doing something wrong!! Fifth game; 3 cautions and a red for VC and I was fretting that I had over-reacted to the lack of cards previously! That's why the top, top boys get psycho training and taught how to leave last weeks game well behind and just referee what happens on the field. Don't search for a red, or worry your card count is above or below average, who cares? Just referee your next game well and if some knob obliges you with some stupidity, deal with him. If he doesn't; great.
I have had three reds this season, 2xS7 and 1xS1 and they came within the space of 4 matches, with lulls either side. Its like the weather; you cant control it, it just happens that way sometimes.
p.s you're certain to have a 22 man brawl this weekend now obviously!!