Open Age Jumping into OA football


Next Weeks Ref
Evening guys

Just looking for some words of wisdom

Having played open age I am looking to go straight into refereeing open age (as well as a youth league)

What are your thoughts on this?

Better to wait a season first or just jump on and go for it?

This (14/15) is my first season as a referee

Herts finest
A&H International
If I was you I'd just jump straight in because you have to adapt to referee youth football whereas OA football you can ref it more by the letter of the law as the players all know the rules.

Good luck though mate in whatever you chose to do :)
Evening guys

Just looking for some words of wisdom

Having played open age I am looking to go straight into refereeing open age (as well as a youth league)

What are your thoughts on this?

Better to wait a season first or just jump on and go for it?

This (14/15) is my first season as a referee

Herts finest

Make sure your happy with your mental strength as I could have started In January, but chose to only start around now, as I wasn't happy I was mentally strong enough. Matches can be mentally straining, also make sure you look confident after every decision, I had to make an informed guess over an early throw in Saturday, and didn't look confident about it, the players picked up on it straight away.

Good Luck :)
Evening guys

Just looking for some words of wisdom

Having played open age I am looking to go straight into refereeing open age (as well as a youth league)

What are your thoughts on this?

Better to wait a season first or just jump on and go for it?

This (14/15) is my first season as a referee

Herts finest
for me its what you feel comfortable with I started a long while ago with youth football on Saturdays and oa on Sunday enjoyed both slowly as I became better I moved to Saturday oa football and went from strength to strength,
don't get me wrong really enjoyed the kids games even the mums and dads shouting and screaming, but would not change where I am now to go back, not yet anyway so try all of it find what you enjoy !!!!!!
ive just got back into refereeing, left doing youth, jumped straight into OA

as everyone has said really, ive always been told by my uncle (ref od 20years and an assesor) once youve made a decuision, be it wrong or right, stick with it, implement it and look decisive in the execution

he also told me, which i find helps when some players start to moan, there is 23 men on that field, your the only one (in 99% of cases) that has passed a test on the laws of the game

good luck brother!!!
Charlie you sure on the quote 23 men I find its usually 1 man the reff 22 babies lol
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haha oh i think thats a tad unfair on babies!

its nice to be able to talk to other referees...all of my friends look at me as if i make it all up when i tell them stories!
I find it amazing how many players are suddenly "level 3 refs" etc etc when you call them up for a foul and know the laws of the game better than you :)
I find it amazing how many players are suddenly "level 3 refs" etc etc when you call them up for a foul and know the laws of the game better than you :)
how right you are its funny how many of them there are club asst too there the better ones flag up for os not interfering midfield runner come through slots in the back of the net ............ and guess what yep your flags going in the nearest muddy puddle and the club ar has a fit
don't you just love it
i always congratulate them on their knowledge, then remind them that im in charge and to get on with it!

although i must say, my favourite comment thus far...i gave a FK to the home team, the away team centre half then says 'no way was that a foul ref, learn the rules!' inw hich his captain responds, quick as a flash ' oi leave him alone, he isnt on that page of the rule book yet!'

i must say, i did chuckle
I have some really nice flags at home. I also have flags that I'd describe as wooden sticks with red and yellow rags stapled on. Guess which ones I give to CARs :0)
I did. Once. Needless to say one ended up caked in mud and the missus was not best pleased on my return!

Rags on sticks for cars now!!
i only have a cheap-o set for now...ive had around 3 flags stolen...do you know how useful one flag is? lol

soon as i push into the higher leagues ill be tempted to splosh out on the ol' electronic flags
I did. Once. Needless to say one ended up caked in mud and the missus was not best pleased on my return!

Rags on sticks for cars now!!
did she buy them or does she wash them for you ? I wouldn't let my missus near any of my kit women and football ............................ yep I know the women's league will be after me now lol
i only have a cheap-o set for now...ive had around 3 flags stolen...do you know how useful one flag is? lol

soon as i push into the higher leagues ill be tempted to splosh out on the ol' electronic flags
Charlie stolen by whom club ar clubs happened to me once reported to the league the club had to by me a new set job done
if in doubt report it does know harm
stolen by the car ... last time round i was only young so didnt bother with the hassle...now a days id probably follow them home and do a bit of Liam Neeson - Taken...
Terrible films. How about the Michael Douglas film falling down? Perhaps a bit too mental... :)