Goalpost shapes

Peter Grove

RefChat Addict
Law 1 states that:

The goalposts and crossbar of both goals must be the same shape, which must be square, rectangular, round, elliptical or a hybrid of these options.

Can anyone elucidate what "hybrid" means in this context?
A&H International
We had/have some of these in Greater Manchester.

All four goalposts were round. Both crossbars were rectangular.

The structural integrity of both goals was sound.

I remember consulting law on this at the time and thinking these were, as per @JamesL 's interpretation, fine.

The first time I actually encountered these was at a local authority pitch and I consulted with the (council) grounds person present.

The response offered was that, especially at grassroots venues, goal posts tend to give up/rust/become dangerous before crossbars do.

He said the local authority made the decision, based on the number of football pitches they are responsible for, to specially source replacement goalposts only.
“Hybrid of these” also can be e.g. 3 straight faces, one curved face.

“Combination” would have been a better word. I’d hate to see the IFAB style guide.