The Ref Stop

Donkey kick


Well-Known Member
So 50 years since the donkey kick was used, named and then outlawed. Was it outlawed because the ball had turned its full circumference or because of two touches (albeit at the same time) & therefore, if the latter, is it still outlawed?
The Ref Stop
The only way it would be outlawed is a double touch. With that action you could easily kick it from one leg onto the other. Plus, aside from showboating, I'm struggling to see what possible benefit it would add in the modern game. The players can flick it up with their foot far more accurately that this donkey kick method.
I remember when this became popular in early 70s. The advantage was surprise: a player would stand with feet either side of the ball, looking like he was discussing options with a team mate. Suddenly he would lift the ball in the air and catch the keeper and defence off guard. Like many of these tricks (like the fake corner) it died away once it became too well known.