The Ref Stop

Club Academy Scotland


New Member
How much does Club Academy Scotland pay for referees? Also, do they cover travel costs? Thanks in advance.
The Ref Stop
Thanks. What is the role of the second ref? Are they both on the pitch? Or is it kind of like a fourth official?
Thanks. What is the role of the second ref? Are they both on the pitch? Or is it kind of like a fourth official?
Younger age groups play 7 a side or 9 a side. In this instance there are two games going on side by side simultaneously. One ref for each game.
Thanks. Do you ref in CAS? If so, how is the level of abuse from fans,coaches, spectators etc.? I've been tld it's better than a normal local youth league, is this true? Also, do the Club's appoint an assistant referee each, or is it only the ref in the centre?
Appointments come from each associations club academy coordinator. Assistants only at u18s and only for the elite category. (Few exceptions)
Thanks. Do you ref in CAS? If so, how is the level of abuse from fans,coaches, spectators etc.? I've been tld it's better than a normal local youth league, is this true? Also, do the Club's appoint an assistant referee each, or is it only the ref in the centre?
Abuse from parents/spectators is almost non-existent in my experience. Don’t know how true this is but one ref told me it’s because the players get released if their parents misbehave. Coaches are generally reasonable but can be difficult occasionally.
Thanks. Do you ref in CAS? If so, how is the level of abuse from fans,coaches, spectators etc.? I've been tld it's better than a normal local youth league, is this true? Also, do the Club's appoint an assistant referee each, or is it only the ref in the centre?
I’m a CAS coordinator but don’t cover many games myself. What I know for certain is the conduct by all participants is far better than standard grass roots players/coaches/parents.

One of the main reasons referees cite when committing themselves to CAS games above any other leagues is the lack of abuse and general positive atmosphere at games. Of course boys will be boys and there’s the odd instance of dissent but these are not tolerated by coaches.

I’d recommend giving it a try and see what you think.