The Ref Stop

Calling CAR a "c*nt*"


Well-Known Member
Level 6 Referee
Had a player today call my CAR a c*nt. Was loud enough for me to hear from over 30 yards away and I sent him off for OFINABUS... I know it's right by law but my match control totally disappeared after this... What's your guys view on this??
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The Ref Stop
I've done the same earlier in the season. For me, CAR's should be shown the same respect as us as refs... Especially because they're volunteering off their own back
Yeah +1 for jack

I hate bad language like that any way so I would send him off regardless.

How did you lose your match control? (As in what happen that made you think that you had lost it.)
Spot on, I'd have done exactly the same.

Providing I hear what's been said, I will treat CAR's the same as NAR's in that respect.
Good man. Courage of your convictions! Well deserved red. If you feel a decision like this erodes your match control, pull the shutters down for ten minutes and blow for everything, slow it down, no liberties.
Just the usual "last weeks ref never" and "if you send players off for that you'll send ten off in a game". Manage wasn't happy and players appealing for literally everything... Probably hardest senior game I've had so far... Ahh well got my first assessment (last weeks game) through tonight and got a solid 76 so pleased with that
Good man, players seem to think they can verbally abuse CARs but have known it the other way but not in so much bad language as the c word.
Just felt the game was more difficult to manage afterwards... This was 60 minutes in and I'd had no problems before... By the end is had 3 more for C1 RT and one for dissent
Why do you think the players responded so negatively and what do you think you did (or, more likely, didn't do) to contribute to that?
Think in future I'll go very tight for the next 10 or so minutes and see if that helps. Blow for everything, slow it down, boss the game. Like to try and get the game to flow as much as possible but that just didn't work in this instance
Pull the two captains together after the sending off and tell them in basic terms that it wont be tolerated. Tell them that its up to them to manage their players, if they want to act like that then thats fine, but you will deal with them if they do. Put the responsibility on them. You concentrate on your match. If someone does carry on and deserve a caution/sending off nobody can complain, you gave them a chance to reign it in. I had a situation where i gave a throw in one way, player disagreed and then every time the ball went out of play he would sarcastically appealed for it. I told him to stop as its descent, then told his captain that i have asked him to stop. He did it again so i cautioned him. His captain ran over and had a go at him for being an idiot after i tried to stop him. Guess who got the abuse from teammates and manager?! not me.
was just imagining saying to the guy in the o/p

'listen, mate, there's only one c*nt here and that's the one brandishing this 'ere red card'

needs a bit of work :)
Certainly don't let the players' reactions discourage you from doing the same in the future. The only place where you have to be careful is if a CAR tells you someone's called them that, then you can't do anything.
Think in future I'll go very tight for the next 10 or so minutes and see if that helps. Blow for everything, slow it down, boss the game. Like to try and get the game to flow as much as possible but that just didn't work in this instance

No offense but I think that would make a situation like the one you described worse. The players are clearly not being reasonable and saying "Well, I guess we did deserve it here." My advice to you would be to call over the captain of the offending team player (don't really need the other team's captain) and together with the offending player, tell him exactly why this player is getting a red card. No need for discussion but do remind him that he will need to ensure that his team behave much better.
Good call Callum. As for managing the game after an incident like that, you just shut up shop for 10 minutes and then ease off ... if you can