The Ref Stop

Junior/Youth Calling a player a cheat.


Active Member
Level 7 Referee
In a game the other day I used the C word against a player that simulated a challenge in order to win a penalty. He was YCd and I basically said "you tried to cheat and that is why you got cautioned." This was the first time I had encountered this sort of foul.

Now is that the same as calling someone a cheat and how does this fare against any player calling us cheat - should that go both ways as being unacceptable?

I maybe should think about how I should address players with LOTG instead of opinions.
The Ref Stop
TBH it was not the best choice of words to explain the offence. Use the same words used in the lotg.
"you tried to deceive me and that is why you got cautioned." And you should have no issues.
This is one of those where that’s exactly what they’re doing, but you can’t really say it. If we don’t want to be called cheats, the same should go the other way. I’d definitely go more towards the lotg with any dialogue like deceiving rather than cheating. Or just dumb it down to what a player will be thinking and say it was a dive.
In a game the other day I used the C word against a player that simulated a challenge in order to win a penalty. He was YCd and I basically said "you tried to cheat and that is why you got cautioned." This was the first time I had encountered this sort of foul.

Now is that the same as calling someone a cheat and how does this fare against any player calling us cheat - should that go both ways as being unacceptable?

I maybe should think about how I should address players with LOTG instead of opinions.
Whilst I whole heartedly agree with your choice of words (cheating) as this is what it is, I would recommend you stick with the terms 'simulation' or 'attempt to deceive the referee' (as per Law) so as not to cause offence

I dismissed an appeal for HB with the words 'f off' (directed at the flippancy of the appeal). The player's team lost and he chose to complain to the League. I always use 'the language of football', but occasionally a participant will use this against you so I'd tread carefully, particularly with adjectives which describe the player's nature!
The League told the player to do one FWIW as the lad is a persistent nuisance to them by all accounts
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Ironic thread considering players cheat and lie constantly. It would be so good if post match TV interviews showed players their pathetic appeals and dives and called them out on it🎤