The Ref Stop
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    • MattieP
      MattieP reacted to Homer Ref's post in the thread Whistles with Like Like.
      Using the Acme tornado 635 which is ideal if there are other games nearby as it is a different tone. I don't think there is anything...
    • MattieP
      MattieP reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread Whistles with Like Like.
      You should never be penalised for this, so if you have been penalised on a report, that's wrong, as it can not possibly have an impact...
    • MattieP
      MattieP reacted to OnlyUseMeWhistle's post in the thread Whistles with Like Like.
      They'll be picking you up on unnecessary signals because at 3W level it's expected that you don't signal for obvious balls out of play.
    • MattieP
      MattieP reacted to The Gump's post in the thread Whistles with Like Like.
      I used a Thunderer and love it as I could never get on with the Fox40, but have switched to the Molten Valkeen rip-off from Amazon which...
    • MattieP
      MattieP reacted to Ben448844's post in the thread Whistles with Like Like.
      As an observer I wouldn't class signalling for obvious throw ins, goal kicks etc as a major development point. I'd recommend that the...
    • MattieP
      MattieP reacted to socal lurker's post in the thread Whistles with Like Like.
      If you search whistle on here your will find a number of threads on this. My favorites are the fox 4O mini and the dolfin (which was the...
    • MattieP
      MattieP reacted to Homer Ref's post in the thread Whistles with Like Like.
      Surprisingly a lot of them sound the same!
    • MattieP
      MattieP reacted to RustyRef's post in the thread Whistles with Like Like.
      That works with neutral assistants, if the ball goes out in the ARs zone it is best for the referee not to signal to avoid the risk of...
    • MattieP
      MattieP reacted to OldNavyRef's post in the thread Whistles with Like Like.
      @MattieP If you find the 3W pathway too much of a jump you could always go from level 7 to 5 first. A level 5 is doing the same as a...
    • MattieP
      MattieP posted the thread Whistles in General Refereeing Chat.
      I qualified as a referee 15 years ago, training was solely indoor based, toilet role rolled down to demonstrate whether the ball was in...
    • MattieP
      MattieP replied to the thread Tiny Shin Pads.
      I'll be honest, I referred a game the other week and I made the player replace her shinguards. My view is it's our jobs to protect...
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