The Ref Stop
Enjoy The Game
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    • Enjoy The Game
      Enjoy The Game replied to the thread Match reports.
      Edited😁 (was short on characters). Yes just search for the Facebook page ‘Enjoy the game’ or add my personal account (Simon Longhurst).
    • Enjoy The Game
      Enjoy The Game reacted to FirsFox40's post in the thread Match reports with Like Like.
      Ah hello! I’m in the same FB group and saw you pick up that first match. Very much enjoyed your report, so I’ll scamper off now and read...
    • Enjoy The Game
      Enjoy The Game replied to the thread Match reports.
      Glad you enjoyed it and yes would love to come along to the meeting if it doesn’t clash with work. Please do share details.
    • Enjoy The Game
      Enjoy The Game posted the thread Match reports in New Referees.
      Hi everyone, played a lot of football but recently retired from vets due to concussion complications. Need a hobby (and to stay fit) so...
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