Watch this before your game!


Mr Referee
Level 7 Referee
Whilst researching into whether or not I could be appointed the manager of Gibaltr I came across this brilliant video so thought I'd share. :D

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A&H International
My God, the place is so small I would have thought 6 refs would cover every match!
Can't be more than 2 pitches there. I would have thought the Army Regiment based there would account for about 50% of all football.
Don't think I could cope with living in Gib, having been there... That one pitch that you saw has every game on it, with the old gravel cricket pitch being converted to a 4G surface at the moment, and cricket being shared at Victoria Stadium. Must be incredibly hard to balance housing/hotels for 30,000 people and keeping just a small fraction of land open for use.

They were suggesting building a 10,000 seater stadium, but there's been serious issues over spoiling the view over to Morocco, and getting rid of more flat land.
If I ever got the chance to work in Gibraltar I would jump at the opportunity and ref over there.

Brilliant weather
Only 2 leagues
Not a huge amount of officials so not much competition meaning a better chance of becoming a FIFA referee (when Gibralter referees are eventually allowed to be part of FIFA)

Can't go wrong