The Ref Stop

Unwanted advantage

Cheshire & Capn, I'm going to quote Cheshire here, please choose your words carefully. Padders, whilst often controversial (it's a forum, isn't that the point?!) hasn't made any personal comments within this thread. Both of you have. It's wholly obvious that he's not in a "1vsALL" situation as others have posted in agreement. Think carefully about what you post, of you will end up with warnings and/or thread bans.

Dan, I honestly think you've been suckered in here by @Padfoot 's clever way with words. Prior to his 'idiots' post on Page 3 of this thread, many forum members had already expressed a strong preference for playing more rather than less advantage. These included (I believe, apologies if I'm mis-representing anyone) @RustyRef , @Cheshire Ref , @GraemeS , @CapnBloodbeard , @Kes and @RegalRef . Therefore my reading of his post was that he felt those members to be idiots in this regard. Judging by their reaction, some other people felt the same way ...

This feels to me like one of those match situations where one player has sneakily and slyly goaded another into retaliating in some way ... then the person who retaliated has been punished but the initial transgressor has got off scot free ....
The Ref Stop
Thanks for that Brian. Good to have that sort of evidence of 'well, say what you like, but here's the proof of what assessors have been told to look for'

So while we can still discuss whether to agree or disagree with it (are those guidelines national?), we can say 'well, categorical statements like that are absurd but if that's what you're told to do, then that's what you're told to do!'

(after all, one can discourse hypothetically while accepting the reality!)
Those are from the handbook issued by The FA (of England)
On reflection I think I could wait a tiny bit longer before deciding on whether to give the free kick or to play the advantage.

There's been a couple of times where I've blown only to see the ball land at the feet of a player in loads of space and in a good position, but you live and learn.

In my limited experience the majority of players don't always have the skills to make an advantage pay off, but I've never had any complaints, and have even had the odd compliment when I do play them.

I'm still waiting for one of my advantages to directly result in a goal, but when that does happen I'll probably Moonwalk back to the center circle, so I can keep a beady eye on the majority of players, and definitely not because I'd be feeling smug...
As always there are exceptions to everything and common sense is needed. Classic example is a player is offside from an attacking free kick but before you can blow the whistle the keeper catches the ball and looks to release it quickly. If you allow him you are playing advantage, in the defending team's own penalty area, certainly within their defensive third. It would be silly to blow up there at any level, and I would be a very disappointed if an assessor criticised a referee for allowing advantage in this type of situation.
Dan, I honestly think you've been suckered in here by @Padfoot 's clever way with words. Prior to his 'idiots' post on Page 3 of this thread, many forum members had already expressed a strong preference for playing more rather than less advantage. These included (I believe, apologies if I'm mis-representing anyone) @RustyRef , @Cheshire Ref , @GraemeS , @CapnBloodbeard , @Kes and @RegalRef . Therefore my reading of his post was that he felt those members to be idiots in this regard. Judging by their reaction, some other people felt the same way ...

This feels to me like one of those match situations where one player has sneakily and slyly goaded another into retaliating in some way ... then the person who retaliated has been punished but the initial transgressor has got off scot free ....
This is pretty simple @Russell Jones, @Padfoot made a generic statement in relation to those who like to play more advantage, without singling out any one individual nor naming them publicly. @Cheshire Ref & @CapnBloodbeard both did, directly to Padfoot. My grievances with the post are just that, the direct nature of the post against Padfoot, not necessarily the disagreement of opinion.

Now, back on topic all...!
I'm still waiting for one of my advantages to directly result in a goal, but when that does happen I'll probably Moonwalk back to the center circle, so I can keep a beady eye on the majority of players, and definitely not because I'd be feeling smug...
My assessment last year had the phrase "the referee understands and applies advantage well. (Un)fortunately the first one played led to a goal setting the bar high early."

12 minutes into the game, first opportunity for an advantage outside the PA, two touches later... back of the net. None of the rest of the advantages that day were quite as effective... alas! :)
My assessment last year had the phrase "the referee understands and applies advantage well. (Un)fortunately the first one played led to a goal setting the bar high early."

12 minutes into the game, first opportunity for an advantage outside the PA, two touches later... back of the net. None of the rest of the advantages that day were quite as effective... alas! :)
Should have cut your losses and stopped for the free kick every time thereafter.

That said I did once get two goals from handballs where I played advantage twice in one game. Yes I know, me playing advantage and more than once to boot
This is pretty simple @Russell Jones, @Padfoot made a generic statement in relation to those who like to play more advantage, without singling out any one individual nor naming them publicly. @Cheshire Ref & @CapnBloodbeard both did, directly to Padfoot. My grievances with the post are just that, the direct nature of the post against Padfoot, not necessarily the disagreement of opinion.

Ok, see what you mean.

So, I'll just content myself by saying that all referees who are shy in playing advantages are spineless, worthless individuals who do a disservice to this great game of ours, are scared of losing their match control and should have a serious think about whether they have a place in the modern refereeing world. All good, can't see how anyone might have a problem with that opinion ... :):rolleyes::ninja:
Ok, see what you mean.

So, I'll just content myself by saying that all referees who are shy in playing advantages are spineless, worthless individuals who do a disservice to this great game of ours, are scared of losing their match control and should have a serious think about whether they have a place in the modern refereeing world. All good, can't see how anyone might have a problem with that opinion ... :):rolleyes::ninja:
Seeing as that's a generalisation rather than a dig at one particular member, yes I prefer that.
Alternatively of course, I could just thread ban you, as it would avoid potential harm........
Are you sure, aren't we best to wait to see if advantage can be played, in accordance with referee's approach so far in the game.

You stop, flag, as per procedure and referee shouts advantage play on

a) It looks messy
b) AR is out of position as players are now ahead of him/her

Dan Cohen explained this really well. I think you're right to mirror the referee's approach as you said, but I do believe while an assistant is perfectly capable of flagging for offences we shouldn't be trying to play advantage. Slightly different but I have had a few assistants shout "play on" following a tackle and that does look messy if you whistle for a foul!
The "i want to play lots of advantage and no one can tell me any better" idiots are those who are simply out there for self aggrandizement and club marks......

I'm not entirely sure what club marks are, but it seems to me that if the clubs appreciate advantages being played, that means you should use them. You won't break up play, and if the club actually want them, it means they see it as an advantage to keep playing.