Sideline Abuse


New Member
Level 7 Referee
This is mainly related to abuse from the sidelines on the park / public pitches (but could include larger venues used at lower levels of the game)

If you have received so much abuse from either, management, one of a teams 'faithful followers' or even a player who has been sent off in the match, that you are at the end of your tether. What are your options? Can you request the removal of individuals? Is it simply to stick it out and make sure it is all reported in a misconduct report? Or is it to abandon and report the misconduct / reasoning?

Not something that has happened to me yet, but was wondering what options are available should it arise.

Interested to hear how you guys have dealt with such incidents in the past.
A&H International
Parks and council pitches you can't remove people.

Can abandon if excessive and report or if you feel you can stick it out then report after

Threat of abandonment normally calms them down!
A player who has been sent off in the match shouldn't be within the vicinity of the FOP. If he/she is able to shout abuse at me, He/she IMO is still too close to the pitch. As a club it is their responsibility to keep their officials and supporters in check. If a manager is giving you abuse to a level that you aren't comfortable with then I would normally have a word with them and try to convince them to calm down, telling them that I am close to binning them. If they continue or they do something that isn't tolerable from the start then you can remove them from the vicinity of the FOP, if they don't leave try to convince them to or get one of their player's (preferably one that you get on with)to convince them to leave, if they still don't go then abandon. Any time where you take any disciplinary action against a club official a misconduct report must be filled.

The same happens with a spectator. But instead of confronting them yourself, the best way to do it is through the manger. They don't have to leave but if they don't then I would be abandoning again, and again you would put it into a report and the club will often be charged with failing to control their spectators.
Rye as I have mentioned in a recent post under the guidelines of the respect campaign ,the responsibility for the players , and spectators falls firmly on the lap of the team manager

If your getting abuse from spectators you can usually work out what team they are with

approach the Manager and ask him to deal with it , if it continues tell the manager to get rid of the spectator or you will abandon .

Its always good to introduce yourself to both managers pre match and make them aware of their responsibilities . they should know anyway.

that's how I do it anyway ??
You have two different types of location here - public and "private". And as such ou have two types of people - active (players, staff) and inactive (spectators).


- in a public park, and the person is not related to either team - there's not a lot you can do except go down the stepped approach of asking them to be quiet / go, potentially telling them that their actions could cause you to abandon the match (did this once - called both captians over and explained what I was going to say and asked for their support. as it was ended up having 26 others having a go at him till he got the point and did one. Along the lines of them all asking him for £150 to pay all their mileages and pitch fees etc), or call the police and ask them to do somethin under section 5 of he public order act (causug or permitting offiensive language or gesture iwith the intent to offend in a public place)

- in a private setting of a ground, sprots gound, club etc where people are "invited in" or converely are allowed in freely ut that may be terminated at any time, this is down to the home club to sort - be it their manager, staff, stewards etc to sort.


If someone is a player, named sub, manager, coach or the like then they are dealt with accoringly accross the board, and in this case the location of the game is irrelevent. Be it a warning, card, dismissal, miscounduct report or abandonment.

Now, as an assistant - you advise the referee of what has been said and by whom. They then deal with them accordingly. You can though tell the ref that yu do not feel OK to continue if they stay and are only warned. you could push that you refuse to "work" under the conditions and resign yourself that you wil be forcing the ref to abandon.

But at the end of the day (when the sum goes down - yeah I know) you are either their as part of your job, and are being paid to be there for work, so working conditons would apply, or you are there for the enjoyment of participating in the game as a whole and you don't need that short of sh*t.

If your Mrs kept shouting obsenities at you all day and night at every little thing you did - you'd probs move on to someone else (either that or get a kci out of it!)