Research project - Referees Knowledge and Experiences of Concussion


New Member
I am carrying out an MSc in Sports and Exercise Medicine at the University of Nottingham. I would like to recruit football referees, aged 16 or over, for a research study.

This Dissertation project will involve referees completing an online questionnaire to gain an understanding of their current knowledge and experiences of concussion. The questionnaire should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete. At the end of the questionnaire participants will have the opportunity to volunteer to take part in the interview stage of the research and to enter a draw for a £50 amazon voucher.

If you would like to participate please follow the below link to the online survey: https://nottingham.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/football-referee-questionnaire
A&H International
I'm curious to see what feedback you get on concussion knowledge from the UK. Here in the US, many states have a legal requirement for coaches and sports officials to take an online concussion course. I've taken some sort of concussion course annually for the past 5 or 6 years.
Only ever seen one very very serious concussion with a player deliberately kicked in the temple prone on all 4's. Absolutely sickening assault.
18 people fighting instantly stopped, it was a dull thudding noise and sight I never want to see again. As I said last week we thought he was dead, his eyes were facing opposite ways and he was sparko. Had a few minor head bumps etc where I have ALWAYS insisted player leave the pitch, some returned, but only when player, manager and I was happy! Not sure if I could have refused but i've certainly advised not to return!!
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Interesting: 44 and 47 a little odd.

Who has a say in... is very different from e.g. who is responsible...
First aid course... as opposed to e.g. training to recognise symptoms... or training in how to tell if someone else has received appropriate training!
I am carrying out an MSc in Sports and Exercise Medicine at the University of Nottingham. I would like to recruit football referees, aged 16 or over, for a research study.

This Dissertation project will involve referees completing an online questionnaire to gain an understanding of their current knowledge and experiences of concussion. The questionnaire should take no longer than 20 minutes to complete. At the end of the questionnaire participants will have the opportunity to volunteer to take part in the interview stage of the research and to enter a draw for a £50 amazon voucher.

If you would like to participate please follow the below link to the online survey: https://nottingham.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/football-referee-questionnaire
Is this UK specific or do you want us in other countries? We have referees from around the globe in here
Too late, I already "othered"!

Fascinating topic though.

One interesting angle for me is the difference between youth and adult. In youth, myself, and I think most, will stop the game instantly for anything that looks remotely like a head/neck injury and rapid call for the medic. Versus adult where the same type of contact might result in a pause to see player reactions and/or check on the player first before calling the medic. (Scenario dependant and apples/oranges of course)
Interesting survey, sorry, I had completed it as well as an "Other". Assuming you'll filter out referees from outside England. This would be interesting to see replicated in other countries - do you know of any researchers working on this in the US?
Interesting survey, sorry, I had completed it as well as an "Other". Assuming you'll filter out referees from outside England. This would be interesting to see replicated in other countries - do you know of any researchers working on this in the US?
No problem. Yes non-UK answers will be filtered but I may still be able to include the data in another manner.

As far as I am aware there aren't any similar studies in the US, there have been some studies looking at student athletes knowledge of concussion though.
No problem. Yes non-UK answers will be filtered but I may still be able to include the data in another manner.

As far as I am aware there aren't any similar studies in the US, there have been some studies looking at student athletes knowledge of concussion though.
Thanks - please be sure to share a link to your paper/results when you are able to do so (and please, not behind a pay-wall as we're all poorly-paid refs).
@BWatkins I think you should include a 'don't know' in the true/false questions. Being forced into an answer when you genuinely have no idea is dangerous because 50% will get it right anyway.

Q28: I don't regard it as my responsibility to determine whether a player should continue. Unless it's youth football and I think a child is in danger I would not express a view.

Good luck :)
Good luck with this Beth, its an important area of research, no point being gung-ho with players safety!!
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