Red and Yellow - which first ..?

Which order do you give the cards out if need to use both following (mass) confrontation ?

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RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
I can see arguments both ways - when deciding which to use first - especially when a player from team A is getting one colour and a player from team B is getting the other colour ... HHHHEEEEELLLLPPPP :)
A&H International
get the reds out of the way and off the pitch, then they cant argue how come some one on the other team got a yellow and then they got a red :p
I was told by an assessor to deal the yellows first and then the reds to name sure you get all the players names.
I would have said reds first, followed by 2nd yellows, then first yellows. As has been mentioned, get the worst idiots off the pitch ASAP, then deal with the morons, thank the sensible ones for their patience and get on with the game.

Thankfully I've never had to deal with anything too serious, but was AR for a ref who, once all had died down, called the two captains over, said, "Right, I want all your (home) lads over there to my left, and all your (away) lads over there to my right. I will tell you who I want to speak to and you bring them over to me, one at a time OK?"
"Yes ref"
He then went through the list (two reds, one 2nd yellow and three yellows) and the captains had to walk back and forth, bringing each player to us.

Felt like an old school headmaster, but it worked.
I was told by an assessor to deal the yellows first and then the reds to name sure you get all the players names.
The assessor was wrong. Every pre-match I have heard at Supply League level and below says that in the case of MC, the three officials will come together, discuss, issue reds, issue yellows. That's also the way I've always seen it done.
Is part and parcel of a prematch instruction, identify the more serious offences first and get them sent off if needs by. Can only see more problems arising if dealing with yellows first.
In days of Yore, when a player from each side was getting his 'marching orders' as the local rag reported it, I always sent off the Home player first

Then after a more than short gap, when he was nearly in the DR the Away player followed him (never together - I'd witnessed the 3 round bout between Francis Lee and Norman Hunter!)

The psychology of it being that the home 'crowd' saw you sending the away player off last, it always worked for me

The yellows would now follow, ending with the gk who'd run 77 yards to get involved, then 77 yards to 'hide' thinking he'd gotten away with it ;-)

(Norman Hunter or not, my money's always been on Francis Lee in the re-match by the way!)