Number of games ive been an offical in


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
This evening at our weekly fitness training I bumped into my trainer. We caught up a bit and I told him I'm going for promotion from 7-6 next season. He seemed pleased with this. He is a L5 and has been a referee for 9 years. He said he will def complete his 1000th game this season.

That gave me food for thought to work out the number of games I've done. Bloody hell I'm brave or stupid. The other day I completed my 50th game. So by the time it comes to march ill prob be close to 65-70 games for my 3yesr career! Not that many but hey if I don't get it ill get some great learning points from it.
A&H International
that means your trainers been doing around 100 games a season??? wow!!!
No I mean my 50th game in 3 years. Yes I've already done 20+ games this season but no wear near 100 games a season. Prob going to do about 40 games this season