My final assesment


RefChat Addict
Level 7 Referee
He chief assessor has as good as confirmed in email I've not made it - but going to chat with him v soon. But this is my 5th and final assessment
Referee Assessment & Development Form

Referee Assessment & Development Form

1. Application of Law:

Overall I thought you applied the laws of the game pretty well throughout its extended length, with the extra time. Of course all was going very well until the 65th minute, when the general quiet decorum of the game was ‘rudely’ interrupted with and unexplained and ‘out of the blue’ incident of violent conduct! In fact I had no notes to make during the first half, as both teams were playing quite good football and there were no major incidents. You did miss a fairly lengthy flag wave by the Blue assistant, in the 53rd minute when he was trying to attract your attention. As to the sending of offence, for violent conduct, of the Red No 7 in the 65th minute; I certainly didn’t see where it started and why and although some Red players tried to point out their version, I think it was just a cover for their player. For whatever reason, he chose to not only get the Blue No 2 (I only discovered who it was in the aftermath) round the neck but grapple him to the ground. Anyway, you dealt with the incident as well as you could at the time. I think you probably should have taken some action, with one or two of the red players, who were to my mind ‘abusing’ you verbally, when you awarded a penalty to Blue (which they missed) in the 78th minute.

2. Match Control:

Did you have overall match control? Yes I would say you did, in a game that up until the sending off incident, was pretty well tempered and played in the right spirit. I did think that you did ‘lose’ control for around ten minutes, after the sending off incident, but then things calmed down and the game was seen out in a reasonable spirit.

3. Positioning, Fitness and Work rate:

I was pleased to at last come across a referee who did seem to know where to position themselves for set pieces, especially goal kicks; so, well done for that! I was quite impressed with your variation of positioning at corners, especially when Red were taking them in the first half, as one of their players had quite a vicious in-swing, which took the ball very near to the goal. Just remember, if you do find yourself being positioned near to the goal line for corners, that you may have to sprint out fast if the ball gets cleared. I thought that your fitness and work rate were good for this game and I think you’d be ok for games the next level up.

4. Alertness and Awareness, including management of stoppages:

You handled the stoppages, especially this ‘annoying’ feature of ‘rolling’ substitutes well, despite its obvious disruption to the game. You did at least make sure they all went off and came on in the same place around the centre line. You appeared to be pretty alert to most of what was going on. I have addressed the sending off incident and to be honest have absolved you from any likely blame as to why any Blue player wasn’t also dealt with. You will have to be more alert to assistants waving flags. There were virtually no injuries so I have no reason to comment other than to advise you to make sure that even at this level of football, injured players, who have received treatment, need to go off the field of play, before resuming playing.

5. Communication:

Overall I thought your communication with the players was good, you gave clear hand signals and certainly in the first half, you were communicating well with the assistants. Your whistle was good and appeared to vary depending on the situation in hand. When you had the sending off incident, I think that quite possibly, you could have used your whistle a little more forcibly to try to get the players attention more. Just remember that when players confront each other, we as officials should stand back a little and observe what is going on, in case there is a need to pin-point any other miscreant(s).

6. Teamwork:

As I indicated above, your communication with the two club assistants was good in the first half, thumbs up etc. I did feel that you let that lapse a little in the second half though. At one stage, prior to the sending off incident, in the 53rd minute, the Blue assistant was waving his flag quite a bit to attract your attention, to the Red No 10, who even from my opposite side of the field of play could see he was giving the assistant some ‘stick’. In fact it was the second time that had happened, although he did put his flag down fairly quickly for the first occasion.

7. Advantage:

There were very few occasions that play developed for you to really use the advantage law. I think you did in the second half, which was good. Just a reminder, when you play it, you can bring it back and if you do play it, raise your arms out in front of you and shout: ‘play on advantage’ so that as many players can hear.

Development Areas
By and large I think you applied the laws well
Note my comments about the use of the whistle
Just note my comment in that section re after the sending off
Note my comments re the use of the whistle at ‘extreme’ incidents
My comments sum it up
Try to never lose sight of either of your assistants

Name of Assessor:

The information contained within this assessment forms a part of the Supply League and County FA promotion system, but the final decision concerning any promotion rests with either The Football Association or the County Football Association.
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A&H International
That's not a bad assessment mate. Sorry to hear you have not made it this time around. Is there any chance that is not right?
Few points. Firstly you really shouldn't post the names of the teams in a public forum. Secondly, the same goes for the assessor's name. Thirdly, in terms of the content and style of the report, it has a lot of filler where the assessor talks around an incident rather than sticking to the facts. Admitting he missed certain incidents worries me, as does the fact that Match Control, which makes up a significant part of your mark, is reduced to 2 lines. There's also a fair amount of waffle concerns me too ('annoying' feature of rolling subs???).

Thios report doesn't really help you improve as a referee as it doesn't give you any direction in how to manage situations better. There's always next season for promotion.
Teams and Assessor name removed. Try to remember to edit them out in future please
Few points. Firstly you really shouldn't post the names of the teams in a public forum. Secondly, the same goes for the assessor's name. Thirdly, in terms of the content and style of the report, it has a lot of filler where the assessor talks around an incident rather than sticking to the facts. Admitting he missed certain incidents worries me, as does the fact that Match Control, which makes up a significant part of your mark, is reduced to 2 lines. There's also a fair amount of waffle concerns me too ('annoying' feature of rolling subs???).

Thios report doesn't really help you improve as a referee as it doesn't give you any direction in how to manage situations better. There's always next season for promotion.
Couldn't agree with Brian more. I have removed both club names & assessor's name.

The assessment itself worries me too, must admit. Like Brian says, match control makes up a great deal of your mark, so written word should reflect it as such.
Some of the filler/waffle will make more sense to you than us as you were involved in the game itself. Try and take as much as you can out of the assessment going forward. Don't be downbeat about not getting your 6, that's why next promotion season will come round so fast! Go for it again and work as hard as you can to get it :)
Sorry about putting team names and assessors name in.
This is what my chief assessor said in email:

The pleasing part is that you have worked on some of the development points raised in the previous assessments which is very encouraging so good steady progress is being made.

As you are aware we have now completed a total of 5 assessments on you so no further assessments will now be carried out. In view of this there is no futher need to send me any more assessor notices.

I`m sure you realise that although you have become stronger and more experianced as a referee, through the help of the assessors as the year has gone on, you still need to continue that process of growing in more ability and experiance as a referee. Consequently once the promotion scheme finishes at the end of February all candiidates will then be notified officially in writing of their results. However when you kindly confirm back receipt of your assessment I will then have a further chat with you on the plan I have in mind for you from March 2014.

See what I mean....
That email tells me that you have developed and you need to keep developing. No one is the finished article at level 6. His plans are not clear but he may want to offer you the opportunity to join an accelerated promotion scheme to level 4 or a nomination to a local school of excellence. Have you had that chat yet?

Also, if he is planning to hold you back a year but is willing to put in extra work with you, then he must see something worth working on. I'm amazed that he can find enough assessors to get 5 assessments done for a 7-6 promotion!
The reply I got...

Thanks for your reply yes you are just under the overall pass mark with your 5 assessments unfortunately, however as you have correctly stated you have learnt a lot over the past year and gained a lot more refereeing experience.

Consequently this will now put you in very good stead for next year by applying for promotion again at the end of Feb for the 2014/15 season, which is what what I would strongly recommend, as you were close to passing and overall not far away.

Please do not be to disappointed as not everyone is successful on the 1st attempt.!!! Many need a second attempt to achieve their goal and with more refereeing experience you will be in a much stronger situation in the scheme next year .

Also remember there will be others both in our Division and in the rest of the county who will also not be successful with their promotions at the end of Feb2014.

Consequently I therefore hope that you will take my advise and when the promotions are all officially confirmed at our Kent FA meeting at the end of Feb then you need to apply again for promotion for the 2014/15 .

I will be pleased to have you in next years scheme and also to help you achieve your goal for promotion to become a level 6 so i hope you will take up my recommendation.
So its a case of not made it this year but please come back next year and have another go? That's not the end of the world. It's positive and encouraging ... give it a go
Can I just add, as a referee of Kent FA, you have an EXCELLENT RDO (who I happened to see this morning) who is extremely supportive. Do not be afraid to speak to him either. It wasn't so long ago that he was a 7-6 candidate!
I'm not Kent, I'm based in NW London and affiliate with AFA & Hertfordshire FA. AFA & Kent are in same NRDP group for L4's and we had our meeting this morning and Nick was there
With regards to the assessment,it is pretty poor. As has already been said, lots of filler with not many development points. Written in a very informal manner, what is written is a script for a pre-match debrief, not a full assessment.