Junior/Youth Incident handling from older ref


New Member
Level 8 Referee
Older doesn’t mean wiser

On a game without linesman:
I speak to each team and tell them for a better game, self-asses an offside with a clearly raised arm, you make and hold the call. I will not say play on, your call. Be fair and honest, as your opponent will do the same. It works, and I can run a normal diagonal.

Player injury, stop play or not, what about advantage?
For most games, I advise coaches, player safety comes first. If I see or believe an injury has occurred, advantage or not, independent of what’s going on at the time, I blow the whistle and sprint to the injury. None have ever complained about this approach, players, coaches, or parents.

Dissent vs grumbling
This is not easy, as it can turn ugly and depends on circumstance. I have a few tools

Ignore it, after all the game is for the players.
Focused hard look to the grumbler.
Jog by player, saying that will be enough.
Blow the whistle, have a moment, that will be enough of that.
Blow the whistle, show a card.
And be willing to say, yes, understand you may have seen it differently,

We are human, and not perfect. Same for players and fans. Do the best you can, so all can enjoy the game, referee included.

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